The SessionResource service lists the user's current workspace as well as the workspace folder path.

The following resources are applicable:



Returns the current user's workspace folder path.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/session/userWorkspaceDir

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

String object containing the workspace folder path.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Returns the requested file path



Returns the workspace folder path for the selected user.

Example Request:
GET pentaho/api/session/workspaceDirForUser/admin


name description type
user String of the user name. path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

String object containing the workspace folder path.

Example Response:


Status Codes

code description
200 Returns the workspace file path for the specified user.
500 File path failed to be retrieved. This could be caused by an invalid user request.

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