String |
IBackgroundExecution.backgroundExecuteAction(IPentahoSession userSession,
IParameterProvider parameterProvider) |
Queues the action specified in the request parameters for execution in the background
String[] |
IUITemplater.breakTemplate(String templateName,
String title,
IPentahoSession session) |
String[] |
IUITemplater.breakTemplateString(String template,
String title,
IPentahoSession session) |
T |
IObjectCreator.create(IPentahoSession session) |
Return an implementation for the Class T.
File |
IApplicationContext.createTempFile(IPentahoSession session,
String prefix,
String extension,
boolean trackFile) |
Creates a temporary file in the system/tmp solutions folder
File |
IApplicationContext.createTempFile(IPentahoSession session,
String prefix,
String extension,
File parentDir,
boolean trackFile) |
Creates a temporary file in the specified parent folder and optionally tracks it for deletion on session
<T> T |
IPentahoObjectFactory.get(Class<T> interfaceClass,
String key,
IPentahoSession session) |
Retrieves an instance of a Pentaho BI Server API interface by the given object key.
<T> T |
IPentahoObjectFactory.get(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession session) |
Retrieves an instance of a Pentaho BI Server API interface using the simple interface name (interfaceClass
name without the package) as the object key.
<T> T |
IPentahoObjectFactory.get(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession session,
Map<String,String> properties) |
Retrieves an instance of a Pentaho BI Server API interface using the simple interface name (interfaceClass
name without the package) as the object key.
<T> List<T> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getAll(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession) |
Returns all objects implementing the provided interface or extending the provided class if the Class is not an
<T> List<T> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getAll(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession,
Map<String,String> properties) |
Returns all objects implementing the provided interface or extending the provided class if the Class is not an
| |
ISecurityHelper.getAuthentication(IPentahoSession ignoredSession,
boolean ignoredAllowAnonymous) |
Remove this method when data-access is JCR-branched
IContentItem |
IBackgroundExecution.getBackgroundContent(String contentGUID,
IPentahoSession userSession) |
Gets the content generated by background execution
List<IContentItem> |
IBackgroundExecution.getBackgroundExecutedContentList(IPentahoSession userSession) |
Gets a list of content GUIDs of background executed jobs
IContentGenerator |
IPluginManager.getContentGeneratorForType(String type,
IPentahoSession session) |
IOutputHandler |
IBackgroundExecution.getContentOutputHandler(String location,
String fileName,
String solutionName,
IPentahoSession userSession,
IParameterProvider parameterProvider) |
Returns the output handler for content, specific to the implementation of the background execution helper.
IPentahoAclEntry |
IAclVoter.getEffectiveAcl(IPentahoSession session,
IAclHolder holder) |
This returns the effective ACL for the piece of content for the given user.
IAclEntry[] |
IAclVoter.getEffectiveAcls(IPentahoSession session,
IAclHolder holder) |
Returns an array of the authorities from the IAclHolder that apply to the provided authentication object.
Object |
ICacheManager.getFromSessionCache(IPentahoSession session,
String key) |
Gets an object from the user session specific cache.
<T> IPentahoObjectReference<T> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getObjectReference(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession) |
Returns an IPentahoObjectReference for the requested Object containing registered Object Properties.
<T> IPentahoObjectReference<T> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getObjectReference(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession,
Map<String,String> properties) |
Returns an IPentahoObjectReference for the requested Object containing registered Object Properties.
<T> List<IPentahoObjectReference<T>> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getObjectReferences(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession) |
Returns an IPentahoObjectReference for the requested Object containing registered Object Properties.
<T> List<IPentahoObjectReference<T>> |
IPentahoObjectFactory.getObjectReferences(Class<T> interfaceClass,
IPentahoSession curSession,
Map<String,String> properties) |
Returns an IPentahoObjectReference for the requested Object containing registered Object Properties.
IContentOutputHandler |
IPentahoSystemHelper.getOutputDestinationFromContentRef(String contentTag,
IPentahoSession session) |
List<IPlatformPlugin> |
IPluginProvider.getPlugins(IPentahoSession session) |
List<IJobDetail> |
IBackgroundExecution.getScheduledAndExecutingBackgroundJobs(IPentahoSession userSession) |
Gets the list of items scheduled for background execution, and those currently executing
String |
IUITemplater.getTemplate(String templateName,
IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IPentahoSystemStartupActions.globalStartup(IPentahoSession session) |
boolean |
IAclVoter.hasAccess(IPentahoSession session,
IAclHolder holder,
int mask) |
Determines whether the user (auth) has the requested authority (mask) based on the list of effective
authorities from the holder.
boolean |
ISecurityHelper.hasAccess(IAclHolder aHolder,
int actionOperation,
IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IPentahoInitializer.init(IPentahoSession session) |
Simplifier for initialization of objects from the PentahoSystem object
void |
ISolutionEngine.init(IPentahoSession session) |
Initialize the SolutionEngine.
void |
IPentahoSystemListeners.invokeLogoutListeners(IPentahoSession session) |
boolean |
IAclVoter.isGranted(IPentahoSession session, role) |
Returns true if the user is a member of the specified role
boolean |
ISecurityHelper.isGranted(IPentahoSession session, role) |
Utility method that communicates with the installed ACLVoter to determine whether a particular role is granted
to the specified user.
boolean |
IAclVoter.isPentahoAdministrator(IPentahoSession session) |
Determines whether the user is a super-manager of Hitachi Vantara.
boolean |
ISecurityHelper.isPentahoAdministrator(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
ICacheManager.killSessionCache(IPentahoSession session) |
Removes any session-based data for the specified IPentahoSession .
String[] |
IConnectionUserRoleMapper.mapConnectionRoles(IPentahoSession userSession,
String connectionContextName) |
Provides a mapping from the roles defined for a user, and roles appropriate for the connection
Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw
PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and
connection can use defaults
Object |
IConnectionUserRoleMapper.mapConnectionUser(IPentahoSession userSession,
String connectionContextName) |
Maps the user from the given IPentahoSession into a user (or credential) appropriate for the connection
Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw
PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and
connection can use defaults
void |
ICacheManager.onLogout(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
ILogoutListener.onLogout(IPentahoSession session) |
String |
IUITemplater.processTemplate(String template,
String title,
String content,
IPentahoSession session) |
String |
IUITemplater.processTemplate(String template,
String title,
IPentahoSession session) |
String |
IPentahoPublisher.publish(IPentahoSession session,
int loggingLevel) |
Called when the publish is requested.
String |
IPentahoSystemAdminPlugins.publish(IPentahoSession session,
String className) |
void |
ICacheManager.putInSessionCache(IPentahoSession session,
String key,
Object value) |
Puts an object in the session-specific cache.
boolean |
IPluginManager.reload(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IBackgroundExecution.removeBackgroundExecutedContentForID(String contentGUID,
IPentahoSession userSession) |
Removes the content generated by background execution
void |
ICacheManager.removeFromSessionCache(IPentahoSession session,
String key) |
Removes a data item from the user session specific cache
void |
IPentahoSystemStartupActions.sessionStartup(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IPentahoSystemStartupActions.sessionStartup(IPentahoSession session,
IParameterProvider sessionParameters) |
void |
IComponent.setSession(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IContentGenerator.setSession(IPentahoSession userSession) |
called before createContent(), this is the users session object.
void |
IContentOutputHandler.setSession(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
IOutputHandler.setSession(IPentahoSession session) |
void |
ISessionContainer.setSession(IPentahoSession sess) |
Set the session for this session container.
void |
ISolutionEngine.setSession(IPentahoSession session) |
Sets the session in the solution engine
boolean |
IPentahoSystemListener.startup(IPentahoSession session) |
Notification of system startup.
void |
IBackgroundExecution.trackBackgroundExecution(IPentahoSession userSession,
String GUID) |
This provides an entry point for tracking the created background execution task