Interface ISolutionEngine

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISolutionEngine extends ILogger
The Solution Engine handles loading and launching execution of solutions and action sequences. There is one solution engine per request, which can launch one or more action sequences.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setParameterProvider

      void setParameterProvider(String name, IParameterProvider parameterProvider)
      Sets the source for input parameters.
      name - name to give to this provider
      parameterProvider - instance of a provider
      See Also:
    • setCreateFeedbackParameterCallback

      void setCreateFeedbackParameterCallback(ICreateFeedbackParameterCallback callback)
    • execute

      IRuntimeContext execute(String actionPath, String processId, boolean async, boolean instanceEnds, String instanceId, boolean persisted, Map parameterProviderMap, IOutputHandler outputHandler, IActionCompleteListener listener, IPentahoUrlFactory urlFactory, List messages)
      Executes the action sequence specified in the manner described in the parameters
      actionPath - the path to the solution action that will lead to the requested action
      processId - id for the given action sequence document
      async - synchronous(false) or asynchronous(true) execution (not currently used)
      instanceId - id to be handed to the runtime repository
      persisted - if true, store runtime data, otherwise do not
      parameterProviderMap - group of ParameterProviders, sources for inout parameters
      outputHandler - handler used to query for addition parameters
      listener - object notified on completion of action sequences
      urlFactory - factory for building urls
      messages - list into which debug, info, warning, and errors messages will be added
      IRuntimeContext the RuntimeContext associated with this action sequence execution
      See Also:
    • execute

      IRuntimeContext execute(IRuntimeContext runtime, String actionPath, String processId, boolean async, boolean instanceEnds, Map parameterProviderMap, IOutputHandler outputHandler)
      Executes the action sequence specified
      runtime - The runtime context for the execution
      actionPath - path to the action
      processId - id for the given process, typically a GUID or unique id for this execution
      async - true if the execution should be asynchronous.
      instanceEnds - currently true indicating that the process ends with this execution
      parameterProviderMap - Map of parameter providers to use for the execution
      outputHandler - The output handler for dealing with user feedback
      The runtime context for the execution
      See Also:
    • execute

      IRuntimeContext execute(String actionSequenceXML, String sequenceName, String processId, boolean async, boolean instanceEnds, String instanceId, boolean persisted, Map parameterProviderMap, IOutputHandler outputHandler, IActionCompleteListener pListener, IPentahoUrlFactory urlFactory, List messages)
      Executes the in memory action sequence specified
      actionSequenceXML - the in memory action sequence string
      sequenceName - name of the action sequence
      processId - id for the given process, typically a GUID or unique id for this execution
      async - true if the execution should be asynchronous.
      instanceEnds - currently true indicating that the process ends with this execution
      parameterProviderMap - Map of parameter providers to use for the execution
      outputHandler - The output handler for dealing with user feedback
      The runtime context for the execution
      See Also:
    • setlistener

      void setlistener(IActionCompleteListener listener)
      Sets the action complete listener which will be called when the action is complete
      listener - Listener to call back when execution is complete.
    • setlistener

      void setlistener(IExecutionListener execListener)
    • setSession

      void setSession(IPentahoSession session)
      Sets the session in the solution engine
      session - The session for this execution
    • getExecutionContext

      IRuntimeContext getExecutionContext()
      the runtime context being used for this execution.
    • getStatus

      int getStatus()
      Gets the current status from this execution
    • init

      void init(IPentahoSession session)
      Initialize the SolutionEngine. This method should be called immediately after object construction, and if solution engines are re-used among different IPentahoSessions to bind the solution engine to the session.
      session - the session context for this SolutionEngine
    • setForcePrompt

      void setForcePrompt(boolean forcePrompt)
      Sets if the promp page should be forced
      status -
    • setParameterXsl

      void setParameterXsl(String xsl)
      Sets the xsl file to be used to generate the parameter page for the current component. The parameter should be a full path from the solution root starting with a /, or it should be a path relative to the directory of the current action sequence.
      xsl - The name of the XSL file