Package org.pentaho.platform.osgi

package org.pentaho.platform.osgi
  • Class
    An implementation which determines the client type by looking of the call stack to the class which called KettleEnvironment.init() / KettleClientEnvironment.init()
    Implementations return a PDI client-type identifier (spoon,pan,carte,kitchen) or "default" if not one of those.
    Assigns an instance number and ports to a KarafInstance
    This Pentaho SystemListener starts the Embedded Karaf framework to support OSGI in the platform.
    This class assigns and configures property settings for separate karaf instances so that multiple client/server applications can run simultaneously on the same host.
    Simple Exception for errors when resoving a KarafInstance Created by nbaker on 3/24/16.
    This IPentahoSystemListener is a facade for another KarafBoot.
    Standard OSGI Activator class which is called when the OSGI environment is started.
    Created by nbaker on 2/4/15.