Class ConfigurationAdminNonOsgiProxy


public class ConfigurationAdminNonOsgiProxy extends Object
This class serves as a away to gain access to OSGI ConfigurationAdmin capabilities, more precisely to the configuration properties. We used reflection, here to avoid the problem that arises in runtime where the implementation returned by `PentahoSystem.get( ConfigurationAdmin.class )` is the one present in the OSGI side (``) and not the one present in the legacy side (``), which is the one we are actually importing and trying to use.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigurationAdminNonOsgiProxy

      public ConfigurationAdminNonOsgiProxy()
  • Method Details

    • getProperties

      public Dictionary<String,Object> getProperties(String persistenceID)
      Wraps the call to `getProperties` method from the configuration related to the given persistenceID .
      persistenceID - - configuration's file id.
      the properties in the configuration file, or `null` if none is found.