Class SessionExpiredCommand

All Implemented Interfaces:,

public class SessionExpiredCommand extends org.pentaho.mantle.client.commands.AbstractCommand
Shows a session expired dialog in a top frame. Won't work on the screens missing the mantle application.
  • Constructor Details

    • SessionExpiredCommand

      public SessionExpiredCommand()
  • Method Details

    • performOperation

      protected void performOperation()
      Specified by:
      performOperation in class org.pentaho.mantle.client.commands.AbstractCommand
    • performOperation

      protected void performOperation(boolean feedback)
      Specified by:
      performOperation in class org.pentaho.mantle.client.commands.AbstractCommand
    • getPollingInterval

      public Integer getPollingInterval()
    • setPollingInterval

      public void setPollingInterval(Integer pollingInterval)
    • getNextCheckShift

      protected int getNextCheckShift()
      If the session is expired returns a negative value. If the session is not expired returns a time left before expiration. If the cookie is not set returns a default polling interval.
      time shift for the next check
    • getClientTime

      protected long getClientTime()
    • setClientTimeOffset

      protected void setClientTimeOffset()
      Don't be fooled with a System.currentTimeMillis() - in GWT it's a client side time. To eliminate a possible client clock desynchronization effect we need to calculate an offset between client and server time. Also there always will be a small positive offset equal to a time between the page load nad servlet invocation.

      In case of any unpredicted situation the offset is set to 0.

    • getCookie

      protected String getCookie(String name)
    • setCookie

      protected void setCookie(String name, String value)