This service allows for listing system users in the BA Platform.

The following resources are applicable:



Returns the list of users in the platform, this list is in an xml format as shown in the example response.

Example Request:

GET pentaho/api/users

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

Response object containing an xml list of users in the platform

Example Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><users><user>pat</user><user>admin</user><user>suzy</user><user>tiffany</user><user>enco*de:te^s_t$</user></users>

Status Codes

code description
200 Response object containing an xml list of the users in the platform.
403 Response due to the requesting user not having sufficient privileges.
500 Internal server error occurs when the server cannot retrieve the list of users.

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