Interface IPlatformImporter

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IPlatformImporter
    Implementations handle importing the given content into the Hitachi Vantara System.

    User: nbaker Date: 6/18/12

    • Method Detail

      • importFile

        void importFile​(org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IPlatformImportBundle bundle)
                 throws PlatformImportException
        Import the given IPlatformImportBundle into the system.
        bundle -
      • addHandler

        void addHandler​(IPlatformImportHandler platformImportHandler)
        Add a new IPlatformImportHandler to process the MimeTypes given by that import handler. An Import Handler registers what MimeTypes it processes via the getMimeTypes() method. This IPlatformImporter then adds the MimeTypes to its master list, and, adds the extensions handled by the mimetypes to the IPlatformImportResolver managed by this class.