Interface IRoleAuthorizationPolicyRoleBindingDao

    • Method Detail

      • getRoleBindingStruct

        RoleBindingStruct getRoleBindingStruct​(String locale)
        Gets a struct-like object that contains everything known by this DAO. This is a batch operation provided for UIs.
        locale - locale, possibly null
        role binding struct
      • getRoleBindingStruct

        RoleBindingStruct getRoleBindingStruct​( tenant,
                                               String locale)
        Gets a struct-like object that contains everything known by this DAO for a given tenant. This is a batch operation provided for UIs.
        tenant -
        locale -
        role binding struct
      • setRoleBindings

        void setRoleBindings​(String runtimeRoleName,
                             List<String> logicalRolesNames)
        Sets the bindings for the given runtime role. All other bindings for this runtime role are removed.
        runtimeRoleName - runtime role name
        logicalRoleNames - list of logical role names
      • setRoleBindings

        void setRoleBindings​( tenant,
                             String runtimeRoleName,
                             List<String> logicalRolesNames)
        Sets the bindings for the given runtime role in a particular tenant. All other bindings for this runtime role are removed.
        tenant -
        runtimeRoleName -
        logicalRolesNames -
      • getBoundLogicalRoleNames

        List<String> getBoundLogicalRoleNames​(List<String> runtimeRoleNames)
        Gets the logical roles bound to the given runtime roles. Note that the size of the incoming list might not match the size of the returned list. This is a convenience method. The same result could be obtained from #getRoleBindingStruct().
        runtimeRoleNames - list of runtime role names
        list of logical role names, never null
      • getBoundLogicalRoleNames

        List<String> getBoundLogicalRoleNames​( tenant,
                                              List<String> runtimeRoleNames)
        Gets the logical roles bound to the given runtime roles in a particular tenant. Note that the size of the incoming list might not match the size of the returned list. This is a convenience method. The same result could be obtained from #getRoleBindingStruct().
        tenant -
        runtimeRoleNames - list of runtime role names
        list of logical role names, never null
      • getBoundLogicalRoleNames

        List<String> getBoundLogicalRoleNames​(javax.jcr.Session session,
                                              List<String> runtimeRoleNames)
                                       throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        This was added to decouple PentahoEntryCollector Gets the logical roles bound to the given runtime roles. Note that the size of the incoming list might not match the size of the returned list. This is a convenience method. The same result could be obtained from #getRoleBindingStruct().
        runtimeRoleNames - list of runtime role names
        list of logical role names, never null
      • getBoundLogicalRoleNames

        List<String> getBoundLogicalRoleNames​(javax.jcr.Session session,
                                              List<String> runtimeRoleNames)
                                       throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
        This was added to decouple PentahoEntryCollector Gets the logical roles bound to the given runtime roles in a particular tenant. Note that the size of the incoming list might not match the size of the returned list. This is a convenience method. The same result could be obtained from #getRoleBindingStruct().
        tenant -
        runtimeRoleNames - list of runtime role names
        list of logical role names, never null