Class ActionAdapterQuartzJob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ActionAdapterQuartzJob
    extends Object
    implements org.quartz.Job
    A Quartz job that is responsible for executing the IAction referred to in the job context.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActionAdapterQuartzJob

        public ActionAdapterQuartzJob()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
                     throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Specified by:
        execute in interface org.quartz.Job
      • invokeAction

        protected void invokeAction​(String actionClassName,
                                    String actionId,
                                    String actionUser,
                                    org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context,
                                    Map<String,​Serializable> params)
                             throws Exception
        Invokes the IAction bean that is created from the provided actionClassName and actionId as the provided actionUser. If the IAction execution fails as-is, the scheduler attempts to re-create the job that will try to invoke the IAction again.
        actionClassName - The class name of the IAction bean; used as a backup, if the actionId is not available or vald
        actionId - The bean id of the IAction requested to be invoked.
        actionUser - The user invoking the IAction
        context - the JobExecutionContext
        params - the Map or parameters needed to invoke the IAction
        Exception - when the IAction cannot be invoked for some reason.
      • getActionInvoker

        public org.pentaho.platform.api.action.IActionInvoker getActionInvoker()
      • setActionInvoker

        public void setActionInvoker​(org.pentaho.platform.api.action.IActionInvoker actionInvoker)