Interface ISchedulerService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ISchedulerService
    A service interface used for exposing scheduling capabilities as JAXWS or other endpoints.

    WARNING: If you change this interface or any of the objects related to this API, you are effectively changing the WSDL which is generated by JAXWS from this interface. Changing the WSDL means you are changing the contract by which clients talk to the scheduling service.

    Currently SimpleJobTrigger and ComplexJobTrigger are natively JAXB marshallable. Each trigger class contains JAXB annotations to allow us to use the real trigger object model and not to use a XmlJavaTypeAdapter class. For the Job object, we are using the JobAdapter to send the Job over the wire. We realize that two different approaches were taken here and perhaps a unified approach is best, but each object model was taken on and the best approach to JAXB compatibility assessed based on their own merits. In any case, the JAXB compliance unit tests in this project will provide assurance that each type transported over the WS remains functional.
