All Classes and Interfaces

Implementing convenience methods that can be described in terms of other methods in the interface
has been replaced by RegisterJobServlet
has been replaced by RegisterTransServlet
Symmetric algorithm
This servlet allows a client (TransSplitter in our case) to ask for a port number.
This port number will be allocated in such a way that the port number is unique for a given hostname.
This in turn will ensure that all the slaves will use valid port numbers, even if multiple slaves run on the same host.
Boolean ANDs the results of all validators.
When we draw something in Spoon (TransPainter) we keep a list of all the things we draw and the object that's behind it.
Static methods for asynchronous execution of actions on a Database, with a set timeout for the async thread.
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is an authentication provider plugin.
This class represents the authentication plugin type.
The AuthenticationProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with an authentication method.
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is an authentication provider plugin.
This class represents the authentication plugin type.
The AuthenticationProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with an authentication method.
Base step extension that is responsible for Database connection and datasource management for steps that require it.
Block for error handling settings.
Describes a single field in a text file
Additional fields settings.
Input files settings.
Base meta for file-based input steps.
This class contains base functionality for file-based input steps.
Some base data for file-based input steps.
Utils for file-based input steps.
A base parent class for all file based metas.
A base implementation for all output file based metas.
This class defines a base hop from one job entry copy to another, or from one step to another.
Common methods of StepMeta and JobEntryCopy.
Implements common functionality needed by partitioner plugins.
Handles serialization of meta by implementing getXML/loadXML, readRep/saveRep.
This class can be extended for the actual row processing of the implemented step.
This class is the base class for the StepDataInterface and contains the methods to set and retrieve the status of the step data.
The Enum StepExecutionStatus.
This class is responsible for implementing common functionality regarding step meta, such as logging.
Storage for bean annotations info for Metadata Injection and Load/Save.
Engine for get/set metadata injection properties from bean.
Storage for one step on the bean deep level.
Implementation of StreamSource which handles pause/resume logic, as well as creation of .rows() which generates a blocking iterable.
Detector of BOM prefix in file.
Wraps an InputStreamReader with a BufferedReader enabling mark/reset and other buffered features while still being able to report the original encoding.
Workaround for stream close issue under Java 8.
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
Contains the meta-data for the Calculator step: calculates predefined formula's
Exception generated when command line fails
A handler for registering sub-jobs and sub-transformations on the carte maps.
A carte object entry in the transformation or job maps
This class represents the carte plugin type.
This annotation signals to the Kettle plugin registry that it needs to consider the annotated class as a carte servlet plugin.
This class describes a logging channel logging table
A cluster schema combines a list of slave servers so that they can be set altogether.
This class allows you to define command-line options.
A ComplexType contians a map of the elementName -> elementXmlType of all the elements in a named complex type.
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is a compression provider plugin.
This class represents the compression plugin type.
The CompressionProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with a stream whose data is compressed on output and decompressed on input.
Thread Safe version of Java Properties class.
Helper class for converting Config info between maps <=> lists
Utility for managing embedded named connections
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
This listener will be called by the parent object when its content changes.
Implementation of WSDLLocator for Beehive controls.
Symmetric algorithm
Symmetric algorithm
Read a simple CSV file Just output Strings found in the file...
A common interface for all metas aware of the csv input format, such as CsvInputMeta and TextFileInputMeta
Listens for changes in Internal.Entry.Current.Directory
Use values from input streams to joins with values in a database.
Looks up values in a database using keys from input streams.
Cache for DatabaseLookup step.
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
To keep it simple, this metadata injection interface only supports the fields in the spreadsheet for the time being.
Converter for field types.
Retrieves values from a database by calling database stored procedures or functions
Old code, copied from DatabaseLookup
Delete data in a database table.
This class takes care of deleting values in a table using a certain condition and values for input.
Denormalises data based on key-value pairs
Data structure used by Denormaliser during processing
The Denormaliser transformation step meta-data
To keep it simple, this metadata injection interface only supports the fields to denormalize for the time being.
Contains the properties of the target field, conversion mask, type, aggregation method, etc.
Symmetric algorithm
Detect empty stream.
Detect last row in a stream
This class will act as a special purpose dimension Cache.
Manages a slowly changing dimension (lookup or update)
Some DOM utility methods.
Do nothing.
Interface for retrieving resources needed to establish a new datasource in the report engine.
Run dynamic SQL.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Created by nbaker on 1/4/17.
Plugin for interacting with Engine implementations.
Updates directory references referencing Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY
Execute a process *
Execute one or more SQL statements in a script, one time or parameterised (for every row)
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL, optionally each row again.
Execute one or more SQL statements in a script, one time or parameterised (for every row)
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL from a specified field.
This class is used to write export feedback.
Class used to hold operating field index, intermediate data and final results for a stats calculation.
This describes how a field gets renamed in a certain step.
It helps us to do the complete lineage from source to target and back.
Add sequence to each input row.
Split a single String fields into multiple parts based on certain conditions.
Fails if a field's value is a filename and the file does not exist.
Check if a table exists in a Database *
Fails if a field's value is a filename and the file does not exist.
Check if a file is locked *
Check if a file is locked *
A listener that will signal when the filename of an object changes.
Reads results from a previous transformation in a Job
Writes filenames to a next job entry in a Job
Filters input rows base on conditions.
Read a simple fixed width file Just output fields found in the file...
Metadata injection interface for the Fixed File Input step.
A StreamWindow implementation which buffers rows of I by a fixed amount of time and size, executing each batch in a subtransformation.
Pivots data based on key-value pairs
The flattener step meta-data
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula" Created on 22-feb-2007
Describes a lib formula function example in a generic way.
Performs a fuzzy match for each main stream field row An approximative match is done in a lookup stream
Read all sorts of text files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
Read all files, count rows number
Adds a sequential number to a stream of rows.
Meta data for the Add Sequence step.
Read all subfolder inside a specified folder and convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
Return tables name list from Database connection *
Get information from the System or the supervising transformation.
This defines a GnuPG wrapper class.
Groups informations based on aggregation rules.
Created on 02-jun-2003
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the GroupByMeta class
Interface indicating that a step has repository references to another file(s).
Retrieves data from an HTTP endpoint
Make a HTTP Post call
Content-based reader for file.
Interface for some step operations required for parse input file.
Sets a field value to a constant if it is null
This cache lives for the runtime of the parent Job or Trans.
The best way to define import rules as plugins.
This is the import rule plugin type.
Field that support injection should be marked by this annotation.
Bean inside metadata should be marked by this annotation for introspect it for injection annotations find.
Metadata object should be marked by this annotation if it supports metadata injection.
Executor class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
Data class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
Metadata class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Performs a lookup in a database table.
Stores data for the Insert/Update step.
Fails if a field's value is not an integer.
Handles exporting a repository.
The only way this interface extends base IRepositoryExporter is to bring new functionality to objects that implements original interface, not to break backward compatibility.
Handles importing a repository.
This is a marker interface for a service to identify itself as a repository service
A step "meta" that contains a reference to a sub-transformation.
Repository User object
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula" Created on 22-feb-2007
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the JaninoMeta class
Executes a transformation calls transformation.xml from within a jar file.
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
Contains the meta-data for the java filter step: calculates conditions using Janino Created on 30-oct-2009
This class contains common code from Script and .scriptvalues_mod.ScriptValuesMod classes
This class executes a job as defined by a JobMeta object.
Utility class to allow only certain methods of JobListener to be overridden.
An alternative when defining jobs entries.
Base class for the different types of job-entries.
This defines a 'check files locked' job entry.
This defines a column exists job entry.
This class describes the fact that a single JobEntry can be used multiple times in the same Job.
This defines a 'copy files' job entry.
This defines a 'copymoveresultfilenames' job entry.
This defines a 'create file' job entry.
This defines a 'create folder' job entry.
Job entry type to sleep for a time.
This defines a 'delete file' job entry.
This defines a 'delete files' job entry.
This defines a 'delete folders' job entry.
This defines a 'deleteresultfilenames' job entry.
This class represents the job entry dialog fragment type.
JobEntryDialogInterface is the Java interface that implements the settings dialog of a job entry plugin.
This defines a 'Dos to Unix' job entry.
Job entry type to evaluate the result of a previous job entry.
This defines a 'evaluate files metrics' job entry.
This defines a Table content evaluation job entry
This defines a 'file compare' job entry.
This defines an SQL job entry.
This defines a Files exist job entry.
This defines a 'create folder' job entry.
This defines a 'folder compare' job entry.
This defines an HTTP job entry.
JobEntryInterface is the main Java interface that a plugin implements.
Recursive definition of a Job.
This class describes a job entry logging table
This defines a 'move files' job entry.
This defines a MSSQL Bulk job entry.
This defines an MYSQL Bulk file job entry.
This defines a MySQL job entry.
This defines a 'PGP decrypt files' job entry.
This defines a 'PGP decrypt files' job entry.
This defines a PGP verify job entry.
This defines a ping job entry.
This plugin type handles the job entries.
This class holds the result of a job entry after it was executed.
This defines an SendNagiosPassiveCheck job entry.
This defines a 'Set variables' job entry.
Shell type of Job Entry.
This defines a 'simple evaluation' job entry.
This defines an SNMPTrap job entry.
This class can contain a few special job entries such as Start and Dummy.
This defines an SQL job entry.
Job entry type to success a job.
This defines a Syslog job entry.
This defines a table exists job entry.
This executes an exported Talend Job.
This defines a Telnet job entry.
This is the job entry that defines a transformation to be run.
This defines a Truncate Tables job entry.
This defines a 'unzip' job entry.
The interface of a job entry validator.
Methods in this class are referenced in validator definitions within the validator resources file (e.g.
This defines a 'wait for file' job entry.
This defines a Wait for SQL data job entry
This defines a webservice available job entry.
This defines a 'write to file' job entry.
Job entry type to output message to the job log.
This defines a 'zip file' job entry.
Helper class providing pattern restrictions for file names to be zipped
This class is responsible for keeping track of the execution of a job.
Execute a job for every input row.
Meta-data for the Job executor step.
The job to be executed in the transformation can receive parameters.
This rule verifies that a job contains a certain job log table configuration.
This class defines a hop from one job entry copy to another.
This class describes a job logging table
This is a map between the job name and the (running/waiting/finished) job.
The definition of a PDI job is represented by a JobMeta object.
Responsible for tracking the execution of a job as a hierarchy.
Performs a cartesian product between 2 or more input streams.
A Login Configuration that is pre-configured based on our static configuration.
This exception is thrown when there was an authentication error, while connecting into a repository.
This class handles interactions with a Kettle repository.
The KettleEnvironment class contains settings and properties for all of Kettle.
Defines a Kettle Lifecycle Plugin that will be invoked during Kettle Environment initialization and shutdown.
Defines a Kettle Environment lifecycle plugin type.
A single point of contact for Kettle Lifecycle Plugin instances for invoking lifecycle methods.
This exception is thrown when repository wasn't found.
Read all LDIF files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
Describes an LDIF field
This class represents the repository plugin type.
Read files, parse them and convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
Describes a field
This class takes care of polling the central log store for new log messages belonging to a certain log channel ID (and children).
Just a small wrapper class to allow us to pass a few extra details along with a metrics snapshot (like the batch id)
Classes painted with this annotation are logging table plugins
This class represents the logging plugin type.
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
Do nothing.
Helps to define the input or output specifications for the Mapping step.
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
Do nothing.
We need out mapping to be parameterized.
This we do with the use of environment variables.
That way we can set one variable to another, etc.
Groups information based on aggregation rules.
Created on 02-jun-2003
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams and output joined rows with matched key fields.
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams to detect changes.
Unit tests for this class can be found in JobExecutorMetaTest, StepWithMetaMetaTest, JobEntryJobTest, and JobEntryTransTest.
Converts StepMetaProps to/from an XML string using JAXB.
This class describes a logging channel logging table
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams and output joined rows with matched key fields.
MVS Folder Listing Parser The purpose of this parser is to be able handle responses from an MVS z/OS mainframe FTP server.
A listener that will signal when the name of an object changes.
This class provides centralized logic to embed NamedClusters used by transformations/jobs in the embeddedMetaStore.
Converter for string representations of new line characters
Normalise de-normalised input data.
Fails if the field's value is either null, an empty string, or a string containing only whitespace.
Describes a note displayed on a Transformation, Job, Schema, or Report.
Fails if a field's value is null.
NullIf step, put null as value when the original field matches a specific value.
Business logic for the NumberRange
+ * Data for the NumberRangePlugin + * + * @author + * +
Configuration for the NumberRangePlugin
Contains one rule for a number range
This class assigns numbers into ranges
Olap4j Helper class ...
Reads information from an OLAP datasource using MDX
Read a simple CSV file Just output Strings found in the file...
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the ParGzipCsvInputMeta class
Defines methods needed for partitioner plugins.
An alternate way of defining partiioners.
This is the partitioner plugin type.
A partition schema allow you to partition a step according into a number of partitions that run independendly.
This class describes a step performance logging table
Decrypt a stream with GPG *
Encrypt a stream with GPG *
An alternate way of defining plugin's dialog.
Simple utility for messages.
Prioritize INPUT Streams.
Copy, move or delete file *
Read all Properties files (& INI files) , convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
Describes an Property field
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
An interface for transformation steps that connect to a database table.
Get random value.
Created on 08-07-2008
This is a read-only array-based cache to be used in DatabaseLookup when "Load All Data In Cache" checkbox is selected.
Builder class for ReadAllCache.
Allows to connect to repository multiple times (in case of timeout and etc).
Use regular expression to validate a field or capture new fields out of an existing field.
Runtime data for the RegexEval step.
Defines and handles communication to and from remote steps.
Search and replace in string.
Writes/Reads StepMetaInterface to and from a Repository
Provides a utility method to connect to repository and return the repository object
This class is used to read repository, load jobs and transformations, and export them into xml file.
This singleton keeps the location of a repository import.
Contains some common object details, extracted from a repository
An alternate way of defining repository plugins.
This class represents the repository plugin type.
This interface defines any security management related APIs that are required for a repository.
This is the interface to the security provider for the repositories out there.
Holds temporary data (i.e.
Contains the meta data for the ReservoirSampling step.
This interface represents a resource that contains data elements with variables, relative paths etc that have to be resolved before this resource could be used.
The classes implementing this interface allow their used resources to be exported.
RowAdapter is an adapter class for receiving row events.
This class renamed fields in rows before passing them to the row producer specified
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is a row distribution plugin.
This class represents the row distribution plugin type.
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
Defines methods used for handling row data within steps.
RowListener is a listener interface for receiving row events.
This class takes care of mapping output data from the mapping step back to the parent transformation, renaming columns mainly.
Allows you to "Inject" rows into a step.
Reads results from a previous transformation in a Job
Writes results to a next transformation in a Job
Keeps track of which temporary file a row is coming from
Sample rows.
Reads data from a SAS file in SAS7BAT format.
Provides data for the XBaseInput step.
This defines a selected list of fields from the input files including
This file helps us to read a SAS7BAT file
Executes a JavaScript on the values in the input stream.
Dummy class used for test().
Interface to make the real ScriptValueMod and ScriptValueModDummy similar.
Executes a JavaScript on the values in the input stream.
Dummy class used for test().
Generate secret key.
Generate secret key.
Generate secret key.
SecureFTPConnection changed to force data channel encryption for implicit TLS/SSL connections with crypted data.
Select, re-order, remove or change the meta-data of the fields in the inputstreams.
TODO: move this to XML somewhere...
Meta Data class for the Select Values Step.
With this resource naming scheme we try to keep the original filename.
Replace Field value by a constant value.
Set value field with another value field.
Convert Values in a certain fields to other values
Sets environment variables based on content in certain fields of a single input row.
Based on a piece of XML, this factory will give back a list of objects.
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
This class is what describes the information that we keep when we detect a slave server in the cloud / cluster.
It contains the slave server information as well as the time it was last seen alive, whether it is still alive, etc.

This class keeps track of which step copy in which transformation is responsible for handling a certain partition nr.
Read data from a TCP/IP socket supplied by SocketWriter.
This singleton keeps a repository of all the server sockets.
This entry contains a server socket as well as detailed about the process that is using it.
Write data to a TCP/IP socket read by SocketReader.
Do nothing.
Sort the rows in the input-streams based on certain criteria
Writes rows to a sql file.
Write commands to SSH *
An alternate way of defining steps.
This defines the basic interface for the data used by a thread.
This class is used to define debugging meta data for a certain step.
This class represents the step dialog fragment type.
This interface is used to launch Step Dialogs.
This class contains the metadata to handle proper error handling on a step level.
This is a single metadata attribute for step metadata injection.
A set of step injection metadata entries.
The interface that any transformation step or plugin needs to implement.
This listener informs the audience of the various states of a step.
This class describes a step logging table
This class contains everything that is needed to define a step.
This interface allows an external program to inject metadata using a standard flat set of metadata attributes.
Use annotation-based injection instead
This interface allows custom steps to talk to Kettle.
A slim representation of StepMetaInterface properties, used as a way to leverage alternative serialization strategies (e.g.
Return the structure of the stream
This class represents the step plugin type.
Ouptu step metrics
This class is supposed to use in steps where the mapping to sub transformations takes place
Looks up information by first reading data into a hash table (in memory) TODO: add warning with conflicting types OR modify the lookup values to the input row type.
Defines a source of streaming data.
A StreamWindow governs buffering and sending rows to a sub-transformation.
Cut strings.
Apply certain operations too string.
Apply certain operations too string.
This class takes care of the meta data for the StringOperations step.
Will run the given sub-transformation with the rows passed to execute
Class for loading images from SVG, PNG, or other bitmap formats.
Filters input rows base on conditions.
Utility class that contains the case value, the target step name and the resolved target step
Symmetric algorithm
Symmetric algorithm
Symmetric algorithm
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
Performs an insert/update/delete depending on the value of a field.
Performs an insert/update/delete depending on the value of a field.
This defines settings for Syslog.
This exception is throws when and error is found in a Syslog sending process.
Write message to SyslogMessage *
Get information from the System or the supervising transformation.
Check if a table exists in a Database *
Reads information from a database table by using freehand SQL
An interface for transformation steps that manage loading data into a database table (or other storage system).
Writes rows to a database table.
Storage class for table output step.
Table Output meta data.
Describes a single field in a text file
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Processor of Filters.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Read all sorts of text files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Reader for one text file.
Some common methods for text file parsing.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Converts input rows to text and then writes this text to one or more files.
use TextFileOutput instead.
use TextFileOutputMeta instead.
This describes the top level resource after an export
This class represents the information and operations associated with the concept of a Transformation.
This class store undo and redo information...
Utility class to allow only certain methods of TransListener to be overridden.
This class will help calculate and contain the data lineage for all values in the transformation.
What we will get is a List of ValueLineage objects for all the values steps in the transformation.
Each of these ValueLineage objects contains a list of all the steps it passed through.
As such, it's a hierarchical view of the transformation.
This view will allow us to see immediately where a certain value is being manipulated.
For a certain transformation, we want to be able to insert break-points into a transformation.
Execute a transformation for every input row, set parameters.
Meta-data for the Trans Executor step.
The job to be executed in the transformation can receive parameters.
This rule verifies that a transformation contains a certain transformation log table configuration.
This is a map between the transformation name and the (running/waiting/finished) transformation.
Defines a link between 2 steps in a transformation
This class describes a transformation logging table
The client executing the transformation
This class defines information about a transformation and offers methods to save and load it from XML or a PDI database repository, as well as methods to alter a transformation by adding/removing databases, steps, hops, etc.
The TransformationType enum describes the various types of transformations in terms of execution, including Normal, Serial Single-Threaded, and Single-Threaded.
Helper class to generate profiling transformations...
This class takes care of the separation of the original transformation into pieces that run on the different slave servers in the clusters used.
Converter for trim types.
Symmetric algorithm
Removes the same consequetive rows from the input stream(s).
Calculate univariate statistics based on one column of the input data.
Holds temporary data and has routines for computing derived statistics.
Contains the meta-data for the UnivariateStats step: calculates predefined univariate statistics
Holds meta information about one univariate stats calculation: source field name and what derived values are to be computed
Update data in a database table, does NOT ever perform an insert.
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
Utility class for getting formatted strings from validator resource bundle.
Contains the meta-data for the Validator step: calculates predefined formula's Created on 08-sep-2005
This class contains value lineage information.
That means that we will have information on where and how a certain value is originating, being manipulated etc.
Convert Values in a certain fields to other values
Maps String values of a certain field to new values Created on 03-apr-2006
Check if a webservice is available *
Write data to log.
Wsdl abstraction.
Represents a map of all named complex types in the WSDL.
WSDL operation abstraction.
SOAP Binding style enumeration.
SOAP Binding use enumeration.
Parameter style enumeration.
Wsdl operation fault abstraction.
WsdlOpFaultList represents the list of parameters for a WSDL operaton.
WSDL operation parameter abstraction.
WsdlOpParameterList represents the list of parameters for an operation.
Represents the return value for a WSDL operation.
WsdlTypes provides utilities for getting information about the <types> section of the WSDL.
Handles file reading from XBase (DBF) type of files.
Reads data from an XBase (dBase, foxpro, ...) file.
Provides data for the XBaseInput step.
Zip file *
Simple class to handle zip file operations.
Simple class to handle zip file operations.