Package org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webservices.wsdl
package org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webservices.wsdl
ClassDescriptionA ComplexType contians a map of the elementName -> elementXmlType of all the elements in a named complex type.Implementation of WSDLLocator for Beehive controls.Some DOM utility methods.Wsdl abstraction.Represents a map of all named complex types in the WSDL.WSDL operation abstraction.SOAP Binding style enumeration.SOAP Binding use enumeration.Parameter style enumeration.Wsdl operation fault abstraction.WsdlOpFaultList represents the list of parameters for a WSDL operaton.WSDL operation parameter abstraction.WsdlOpParameterList represents the list of parameters for an operation.Represents the return value for a WSDL operation.WsdlTypes provides utilities for getting information about the <types> section of the WSDL.