Package org.pentaho.di.ui.core.database.wizard
package org.pentaho.di.ui.core.database.wizard
All classes for the 'create database' wizard
ClassDescriptionShows a wizard that creates a new database connection...On page one we select the database connection name, the database type and the access type.On page one we select the username and password.On page one we select the database connection SAP/R3 specific settings 1) The data tablespace 2) The index tablespaceOn page one we set the Informix servernameOn page one we select the database connection JDBC settings 1) The servername 2) The port 3) The database nameOn page one we specify the OCI TNS connection...On page one we select the ODBC DSN Name...On page one we select the database connection Oracle specific settings 1) The data tablespace 2) The index tablespaceCreated by bmorrise on 3/9/16.