Class ShowMessageDialog


public class ShowMessageDialog extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog
Dialog to enter a text. (descriptions etc.)
  • Constructor Details

    • ShowMessageDialog

      public ShowMessageDialog(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent, int flags, String title, String message)
      Dialog to allow someone to show a text with an icon in front
      parent - The parent shell to use
      flags - the icon to show using SWT flags: SWT.ICON_WARNING, SWT.ICON_ERROR, ... Also SWT.OK, SWT.CANCEL is allowed.
      title - The dialog title
      message - The message to display
    • ShowMessageDialog

      public ShowMessageDialog(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent, int flags, String title, String message, boolean scroll)
      Dialog to allow someone to show a text with an icon in front
      parent - The parent shell to use
      flags - the icon to show using SWT flags: SWT.ICON_WARNING, SWT.ICON_ERROR, ... Also SWT.OK, SWT.CANCEL is allowed.
      title - The dialog title
      message - The message to display
      scroll - Set the dialog to a default size and enable scrolling
    • ShowMessageDialog

      public ShowMessageDialog(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent, int flags, Map<Integer,String> buttonTextByFlag, String title, String message, boolean scroll)
      Dialog to allow someone to show a text with an icon in front
      parent - The parent shell to use
      flags - the icon to show using SWT flags: SWT.ICON_WARNING, SWT.ICON_ERROR, ... Also SWT.OK, SWT.CANCEL is allowed.
      buttonTextByFlag - Custom text to display for each button by flag i.e. key: SWT.OK, value: "Custom OK" Note - controls button order, use an ordered map to maintain button order.
      title - The dialog title
      message - The message to display
      scroll - Set the dialog to a default size and enable scrolling
  • Method Details

    • open

      public int open()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • getTimeOut

      public int getTimeOut()
      the timeOut
    • setTimeOut

      public void setTimeOut(int timeOut)
      timeOut - the timeOut to set
    • setType

      public void setType(int type)
    • isCentered

      public boolean isCentered()
    • setCentered

      public void setCentered(boolean centered)