Class TransDataLineage

  • public class TransDataLineage
    extends Object
    This class will help calculate and contain the data lineage for all values in the transformation.
    What we will get is a List of ValueLineage objects for all the values steps in the transformation.
    Each of these ValueLineage objects contains a list of all the steps it passed through.
    As such, it's a hierarchical view of the transformation.
    This view will allow us to see immediately where a certain value is being manipulated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransDataLineage

        public TransDataLineage​(TransMeta transMeta)
    • Method Detail

      • getTransMeta

        public TransMeta getTransMeta()
      • setTransMeta

        public void setTransMeta​(TransMeta transMeta)
      • getValueLineages

        public List<ValueLineage> getValueLineages()
        the valueLineages
      • setValueLineages

        public void setValueLineages​(List<ValueLineage> valueLineages)
        valueLineages - the valueLineages to set
      • calculateLineage

        public void calculateLineage()
                              throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Using the transformation, we will calculate the data lineage for each field in each step.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - In case there is an exception calculating the lineage. This is usually caused by unavailable data sources etc.