Interface IRepositoryImporter

    • Method Detail

      • importAll

        void importAll​(RepositoryImportFeedbackInterface feedback,
                       String fileDirectory,
                       String[] filenames,
                       org.pentaho.di.repository.RepositoryDirectoryInterface baseDirectory,
                       boolean overwrite,
                       boolean continueOnError,
                       String versionComment)
        Import objects from an XML document to a repository.
        feedback - Required to provide feedback to the user.
        fileDirectory - Base directory to load files (named filenames) from
        filenames - Names of files found in fileDirectory to be imported.
        baseDirectory - Base directory to load objects into.
        overwrite - Should objects in the repository be overwritten with ones we're importing?
        continueOnError - Should the import continue if there is an error importing an object?
        versionComment - Comment to use when saving imported objects.
      • setImportRules

        void setImportRules​(ImportRules importRules)
        Set the list of rules that need to be applied to every imported object.
        importRules - The rules to use during import into the repository
      • setTransDirOverride

        void setTransDirOverride​(String transDirOverride)
        Overrides repository directory for all imported transformations.
      • setJobDirOverride

        void setJobDirOverride​(String jobDirOverride)
        Overrides repository directory for all imported jobs.
      • getExceptions

        List<Exception> getExceptions()
        Returns a list of exceptions that the implementation may maintain.