Interface ResourceNamingInterface

    • Method Detail

      • nameResource

        String nameResource​(String prefix,
                            String originalFilePath,
                            String extension,
                            ResourceNamingInterface.FileNamingType namingType)
        Create a (file) name for a resource based on a prefix and an extension.
        prefix - The prefix, usually the name of the object that is being exported
        originalFilePath - The original path to the file. This will be used in the naming of the resource to ensure that the same GUID will be returned for the same file.
        extension - The extension of the filename to be created. For now this also gives a clue as to what kind of data is being exported and named..
        namingType - the file naming type to use, in case of DATA_FILE for example, the return value might not be the complete file, but rather
        The filename, typically including a GUID, but always the same when given the same prefix and extension as input.
      • nameResource

        String nameResource​(org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject fileObject,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace space,
                            boolean pathOnly)
                     throws org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException
        Create a (file) name based on the passed FileObject
        FileObject - fileObject The file in which the name ....
        VariableSpace - variable(space) of the transformation or job.
        pathOnly - Set to true to just return the path, false to return file name and path
        String The file name with the path set as a variable. If pathOnly is set to true then the file name will be left out.
      • getDirectoryMap

        Map<String,​String> getDirectoryMap()
        the map of folders mapped to created parameters during the resource naming.