Class ExpandedContentManager

  • public final class ExpandedContentManager
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpandedContentManager

        public ExpandedContentManager()
    • Method Detail

      • isVisible

        public static boolean isVisible()
        a boolean that represents that the web browser is the topmost control of the active TransGraph. If browser hasn't been created it will return false.
      • isVisible

        public static boolean isVisible​(TransGraph graph)
        isBrowserVisible( TransGraph graph )
        graph - a TransGraph object that is being interrogated to see if the web browser is the topmost control
        true if the web browser is the topmost control of the graph
      • createExpandedContent

        public static void createExpandedContent​(String url)
        createExpandedContent creates a web browser for the current TransGraph
      • createExpandedContent

        public static void createExpandedContent​(TransGraph parent,
                                                 String url)
        createExpandedContent( TransGraph parent ) Create a web browser for the TransGraph argument.
        parent - a TransGraph that will be the parent of the web browser.
        url - The content to open and expand
      • showExpandedContent

        public static void showExpandedContent()
        showTransformationBrowser Creates and shows the web browser for the active TransGraph
      • showExpandedContent

        public static void showExpandedContent​(TransGraph graph)
        showExpandedContent( TransGraph graph )
        graph - TransGraph to create the web browser for. If the wev browser hasn't been created this will create one. Else it will just bring the web browser associated to this TransGraph to the top.
      • getExpandedContentForTransGraph

        public static org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser getExpandedContentForTransGraph​(TransGraph graph)
        graph - a TransGraph object that will be interrogated for a web browser
        a web browser that is associated with the TransGraph or null if it has yet to be created.
      • hideExpandedContent

        public static void hideExpandedContent()
        hideExpandedContent hides the web browser associated with the active TransGraph
      • closeExpandedContent

        public static void closeExpandedContent()
        closeExpandedContent closes the web browser associated with the active TransGraph
      • hideExpandedContent

        public static void hideExpandedContent​(TransGraph graph)
        hideExpandedContent( TransGraph graph )
        graph - the TransGraph whose web browser will be hidden
      • closeExpandedContent

        public static void closeExpandedContent​(TransGraph graph)
        closeExpandedContent( TransGraph graph )
        graph - the TransGraph whose web browser will be closed