Package org.pentaho.di.www
Class Summary Class Description AddExportServlet Deprecated. AddJobServlet Deprecated. has been replaced by RegisterJobServletAddTransServlet Deprecated. has been replaced by RegisterTransServletAllocateServerSocketServlet This servlet allows a client (TransSplitter in our case) to ask for a port number.
This port number will be allocated in such a way that the port number is unique for a given hostname.
This in turn will ensure that all the slaves will use valid port numbers, even if multiple slaves run on the same host.BaseCartePlugin BaseHttpServlet BaseJobServlet BodyHttpServlet Carte CarteDelegationHandler A handler for registering sub-jobs and sub-transformations on the carte maps.CarteObjectEntry A carte object entry in the transformation or job mapsCarteServlet CarteSingleton CleanupTransServlet DefaultWebServerShutdownHandler ExecuteJobServlet ExecuteTransServlet GetJobImageServlet GetJobStatusServlet GetPropertiesServlet GetRootServlet GetSlavesServlet GetStatusServlet GetTransImageServlet GetTransStatusServlet JobMap This is a map between the job name and the (running/waiting/finished) job.ListServerSocketServlet NextSequenceValueServlet PauseTransServlet PrepareExecutionTransServlet RegisterJobServlet RegisterPackageServlet RegisterSlaveServlet RegisterTransServlet RemoveJobServlet RemoveTransServlet RunJobServlet RunTransServlet SlaveSequence SlaveServerConfig SlaveServerDetection This class is what describes the information that we keep when we detect a slave server in the cloud / cluster.
It contains the slave server information as well as the time it was last seen alive, whether it is still alive, etc.
SlaveServerJobStatus SlaveServerStatus SlaveServerTransStatus SniffStepServlet SocketPortAllocation SocketRepository This singleton keeps a repository of all the server sockets.SocketRepositoryEntry This entry contains a server socket as well as detailed about the process that is using it.SslConfiguration StartExecutionTransServlet StartJobServlet StartTransServlet StopCarteServlet StopCarteServlet.DelayedExecutor StopJobServlet StopTransServlet TransformationMap This is a map between the transformation name and the (running/waiting/finished) transformation.WebServer WebServerShutdownHook -
Enum Summary Enum Description SlaveServerDetection.SlaveRelationShip -
Exception Summary Exception Description Carte.CarteCommandException Exception generated when command line fails