AboutDialog |
ArgumentsDialog |
BaseDialog |
A base dialog class containing a body and a configurable button panel.
BaseMessageDialog |
A simple dialog with a message and button that closes the dialog.
BrowserEnvironmentWarningDialog |
Dialog that shows a warning when the Browser Environment is not supported.
CheckResultDialog |
Dialog to display the results of a verify operation.
ConfigurationDialog |
DetailsDialog |
Created by bmorrise on 10/13/16.
DisplayInvocationHandler<T> |
EditRowsDialog |
Allows the user to edit a list of rows in a TableView.
EnterConditionDialog |
This dialog allows you to enter a condition in a graphical way.
EnterListDialog |
This dialogs allows you to select a number of items from a list of strings.
EnterMappingDialog |
Shows a user 2 lists of strings and allows the linkage of values between values in the 2 lists
EnterNumberDialog |
This dialog allows you to enter a number.
EnterOptionsDialog |
Allows you to set the configurable options for the Kettle environment
EnterPasswordDialog |
A dialog that asks for a password.
EnterPrintDialog |
A dialog that sets the printer settings for a Kettle printout.
EnterSearchDialog |
EnterSelectionDialog |
Allows the user to make a selection from a list of values.
EnterStringDialog |
This dialog allows you to enter a (single line) String.
EnterStringsDialog |
Shows a dialog that allows you to enter values for a number of strings.
EnterTextDialog |
Dialog to enter a text.
EnterValueDialog |
Dialog to enter a Kettle Value
ErrorDialog |
Dialog to display an error generated by a Kettle Exception.
ErrorWithDetailsDialog |
Created by bmorrise on 10/13/16.
KettlePropertiesFileDialog |
Allows the user to edit the kettle.properties file.
PopupOverwritePrompter |
PreviewRowsDialog |
Displays an ArrayList of rows in a TableView.
PropertiesComboDialog |
PropertiesDialog |
SelectRowDialog |
Displays an ArrayList of rows in a TableView and allows you to select one.
ShowBrowserDialog |
Displays an HTML page.
ShowHelpDialog |
ShowMessageDialog |
Dialog to enter a text.
SimpleMessageDialog |
A simple message dialog containing a title, icon, message and a single button (OK by default) that closes the dialog.
Splash |
Displays the Kettle splash screen
SQLStatementsDialog |
Dialog to display the results of an SQL generation operation.
StepFieldsDialog |
Displays the meta-data on the Values in a row as well as the Step origin of the Value.
SubjectDataBrowserDialog |
Displays a TableView with the possibility to see different data sets per subject.
ThinDialog |
Created by bmorrise on 2/18/16.
WarningDialog |