Class PluginFolder

    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginFolder

        public PluginFolder​(String folder,
                            boolean pluginXmlFolder,
                            boolean pluginAnnotationsFolder)
        folder - The folder location
        pluginXmlFolder - set to true if the folder needs to be searched for plugin.xml appearances
        pluginAnnotationsFolder - set to true if the folder needs to be searched for jar files with plugin annotations
      • PluginFolder

        public PluginFolder​(String folder,
                            boolean pluginXmlFolder,
                            boolean pluginAnnotationsFolder,
                            boolean searchLibDir)
        folder - The folder location
        pluginXmlFolder - set to true if the folder needs to be searched for plugin.xml appearances
        pluginAnnotationsFolder - set to true if the folder needs to be searched for jar files with plugin annotations
        searchLibDir - look inside the plugins lib dir for additional plugins
    • Method Detail

      • populateFolders

        public static List<PluginFolderInterface> populateFolders​(String xmlSubfolder)
        Create a list of plugin folders based on the specified xml sub folder
        xmlSubfolder - the sub-folder to consider for XML plugin files or null if it's not applicable.
        The list of plugin folders found
      • setFolder

        public void setFolder​(String folder)
        folder - the folder to set
      • setPluginXmlFolder

        public void setPluginXmlFolder​(boolean pluginXmlFolder)
        pluginXmlFolder - the pluginXmlFolder to set
      • setPluginAnnotationsFolder

        public void setPluginAnnotationsFolder​(boolean pluginAnnotationsFolder)
        pluginAnnotationsFolder - the pluginAnnotationsFolder to set
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object