Class LAFMessageHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • LAFMessageHandler

        public LAFMessageHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • reinit

        protected void reinit()
      • calculateString

        protected String calculateString​(String packageName,
                                         String key,
                                         Object[] parameters,
                                         Class<?> resourceClass)
        Description copied from class: GlobalMessages
        Returns the localized string for the given key and parameters in a bundle defined by the the concatenation of packageName and GlobalMessages.BUNDLE_NAME, using the provided resourceClass's class loader.
        calculateString in class GlobalMessages
        packageName - the package containing the localized messages
        key - the message key being looked up
        parameters - parameters within the looked up message
        resourceClass - the class whose class loader is used to getch the resource bundle
        the localized string for the given key and parameters in a bundle defined by the the concatenation of packageName and GlobalMessages.BUNDLE_NAME, using the provided resourceClass's class loader.