Class EnterTextDialog

  • public class EnterTextDialog
    extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog
    Dialog to enter a text. (descriptions etc.)
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnterTextDialog

        public EnterTextDialog​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent,
                               String title,
                               String message,
                               String text,
                               boolean fixed)
        Dialog to allow someone to show or enter a text
        parent - The parent shell to use
        title - The dialog title
        message - The message to display
        text - The text to display or edit
        fixed - true if you want the font to be in fixed-width
      • EnterTextDialog

        public EnterTextDialog​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent,
                               String title,
                               String message,
                               String text)
        Dialog to allow someone to show or enter a text in variable width font
        parent - The parent shell to use
        title - The dialog title
        message - The message to display
        text - The text to display or edit
    • Method Detail

      • setReadOnly

        public void setReadOnly()
      • setModal

        public void setModal()
      • setSingleLine

        public void setSingleLine()
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • getData

        public void getData()
      • checkCancel

        public void checkCancel​( e)
      • editDescription

        public static final void editDescription​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                 org.pentaho.di.core.DescriptionInterface descriptionInterface,
                                                 String shellText,
                                                 String message)
      • isFixed

        public boolean isFixed()
      • setFixed

        public void setFixed​(boolean fixed)