Pentaho Community Edition Project: mondrian API
Provides compiled expressions.
Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.
Utilities for internationalization and localization.
Defines a parse tree for MDX expressions.
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Defines MDX extension functions.
Implements the set of functions defined by the Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) specification.
Type system for MDX expessions.
olap4j driver for the Mondrian OLAP engine.
Provides a set a classes for logging the process of a task.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Provides primitives for policy-based caching.
Database-independent library for generating SQL.
Augments the Mondrian engine with server functionality.
Contains the server-provider interfaces (SPIs) which user-defined
extensions to Mondrian should implement.
Provides implementations of SPIs defined in the
package.Text user interface for Mondrian.
Mondrian utilities.
Provides a tag library for embedding MDX queries in JSP pages.
Implements the XML for Analysis API.