class |
AccessDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Microsoft Access
database (also called the JET Engine).
class |
Db2Dialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the IBM DB2 database.
class |
Db2OldAs400Dialect |
Implementation of Dialect for old versions of the IBM
DB2/AS400 database.
class |
DerbyDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Apache Derby database.
class |
FirebirdDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Firebird database.
class |
GoogleBigQueryDialect |
This is the Mondrian dialect for Google BigQuery.
class |
GreenplumDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the GreenplumSQL database.
class |
HiveDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Hive database.
class |
HsqldbDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Hsqldb database.
class |
ImpalaDialect |
Dialect for Cloudera's Impala DB.
class |
InfobrightDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Infobright database.
class |
InformixDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Informix database.
class |
IngresDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Ingres database.
class |
InterbaseDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Interbase database.
class |
LucidDbDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the LucidDB database.
class |
MariaDBDialect |
class |
MicrosoftSqlServerDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Microsoft SQL Server
class |
MonetDbDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the MonetDB database.
class |
MySqlDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the MySQL database.
class |
NeoviewDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Neoview database.
class |
NetezzaDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Netezza database.
class |
NuoDbDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the NuoDB database.
class |
OracleDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Oracle database.
class |
PdiDataServiceDialect |
class |
PostgreSqlDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the PostgreSQL database.
class |
RedshiftDialect |
User: cboyden Date: 2/8/13
class |
SnowflakeDialect |
class |
SqlStreamDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the SQLstream streaming
SQL system.
class |
SybaseDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Sybase database.
class |
TeradataDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Teradata database.
class |
VectorwiseDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Vertica database.
class |
VerticaDialect |
Implementation of Dialect for the Vertica database.