
Class Summary
AnchorStyleSheet Creation-Date: 30.09.2007, 17:19:49
CanvasMinWidthStyleSheet Todo: Document Me
CrosstabBoxStyleSheet Todo: Document Me
CrosstabCellStyleSheet Todo: Document Me
CrosstabHeaderStyleSheet Todo: Document Me
DynamicHeightWrapperStyleSheet An element, that has the dynamic flag set to true, must restrict its maximum width to the minimum width (unless it explicitly defines the maximum-width).
DynamicReplacedContentStyleSheet A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
ManualBreakIndicatorStyleSheet A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
NonDynamicHeightWrapperStyleSheet An element, that does not have the dynamic flag set to true, is limited to its minimum size and cannot grow any larger than that.
NonDynamicReplacedContentStyleSheet A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
NonPaddingWrapperStyleSheet An element, that does not have the dynamic flag set to true, is limited to its minimum size and cannot grow any larger than that.
ParagraphPoolboxStyleSheet Creation-Date: 05.08.2007, 13:23:36
SectionKeepTogetherStyleSheet Creation-Date: 12.08.2007, 18:32:30
SimpleStyleSheet A simple, read-only stylesheet.