Class Buffer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    MfHeader, MfRecord

    public class Buffer
    extends Object
    A block of raw mmeory. This is used to store various metafile objects as they are read in from file.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Buffer()
      Default Constructor.
      protected Buffer​(int length)
      Defines a new buffer with the given initial size in bytes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getByte​(int offset)
      Return the 8-bit int at the given byte offset.
      InputStream getInputStream​(int offset)
      Gets an input stream to read from the memory buffer.
      int getInt​(int offset)
      Return the 32-bit int at the given byte offset.
      int getLength()
      The size of the stored data in the memory.
      int getShort​(int offset)
      Return the 16-bit int at the given byte offset.
      String getString​(int offset, int len)
      Return the null-terminated string at the given byte offset with the given maximum length.
      protected void move​(int sourceoffset, int length, int targetoffset)
      Moves the buffer contents from the source offset to the target offset, the areas should not overlap.
      void read​(InputStream in, int offset, int len)
      Read len bytes into the memory from a stream and stores the read bytes at the given offset.
      void setByte​(int offset, int value)
      Sets the byte at the given offset.
      protected void setCapacity​(int capacity)
      Ensures that the buffer has enough space for the given number of bytes.
      void setInt​(int offset, int value)
      Set the int value as big-endian.
      protected void setLength​(int len)
      Extends the length to the given new size.
      void setShort​(int offset, int shortval)
      Stores the given short as BigEndian value.
      void setString​(int offset, String str)
      Writes the given string as byte stream using the plattforms default encoding.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Buffer

        protected Buffer()
        Default Constructor. Defines a buffer without an initial size.
      • Buffer

        protected Buffer​(int length)
        Defines a new buffer with the given initial size in bytes.
        length - the length of the buffer in bytes.
    • Method Detail

      • getLength

        public final int getLength()
        The size of the stored data in the memory.
      • setLength

        protected void setLength​(int len)
        Extends the length to the given new size.
        len - the new length.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the length is shorter than the used storage in memory.
      • setCapacity

        protected void setCapacity​(int capacity)
        Ensures that the buffer has enough space for the given number of bytes.
        capacity - the new capacity that should be ensured.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the capacity is smaller than the buffers length.
      • read

        public void read​(InputStream in,
                         int offset,
                         int len)
                  throws IOException
        Read len bytes into the memory from a stream and stores the read bytes at the given offset.
        in - the input stream that should be used
        offset - the offset
        len - the number bytes that should be read.
      • move

        protected void move​(int sourceoffset,
                            int length,
                            int targetoffset)
        Moves the buffer contents from the source offset to the target offset, the areas should not overlap.
        sourceoffset -
        length -
        targetoffset -
      • setInt

        public void setInt​(int offset,
                           int value)
        Set the int value as big-endian.
        offset - the offset where to set the int value.
        value - the integer value that should be set.
      • getInt

        public int getInt​(int offset)
        Return the 32-bit int at the given byte offset.
        offset - the offset where the integer value is stored in the memory
        the integer.
      • setShort

        public void setShort​(int offset,
                             int shortval)
        Stores the given short as BigEndian value.
        offset - the offset.
        shortval - the shortvalue.
      • getShort

        public int getShort​(int offset)
        Return the 16-bit int at the given byte offset.
        offset - the offset from where to read the short.
        the short.
      • setByte

        public void setByte​(int offset,
                            int value)
        Sets the byte at the given offset.
        offset - the offset.
        value - the byte that should be set.
      • getByte

        public int getByte​(int offset)
        Return the 8-bit int at the given byte offset.
        offset - the offset from where to read the byte
        the byte read.
      • setString

        public void setString​(int offset,
                              String str)
        Writes the given string as byte stream using the plattforms default encoding.
        offset - the offset, where to store the string.
        str - the string that should be stored in the Wmf.
      • getString

        public String getString​(int offset,
                                int len)
        Return the null-terminated string at the given byte offset with the given maximum length.
        offset - the offset where the string starts
        len - the maximum length of the string
        the null-terminated string read.
      • getInputStream

        public InputStream getInputStream​(int offset)
        Gets an input stream to read from the memory buffer.
        offset - the offse, from where to read.
        the InputStream.