Class WmfFile

  • public class WmfFile
    extends Object
    Parses and replays the WmfFile.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WmfFile

        public WmfFile​(URL input)
                throws IOException
        Initialize metafile for reading from an URL. Width and height will be computed automatically.
        input - the URL from where to read.
        IOException - if any other error occured.
      • WmfFile

        public WmfFile​(String input)
                throws IOException
        Initialize metafile for reading from file. Width and height will be computed automatically.
        input - the name of the file from where to read.
        IOException - if any other error occured.
      • WmfFile

        public WmfFile​(URL input,
                       int imageWidth,
                       int imageHeight)
                throws IOException
        Initialize metafile for reading from an URL.
        imageWidth - the target width of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        imageHeight - the target height of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        input - the URL from where to read.
        IOException - if any other error occured.
      • WmfFile

        public WmfFile​(String inName,
                       int imageWidth,
                       int imageHeight)
                throws FileNotFoundException,
        Initialize metafile for reading from filename.
        imageWidth - the target width of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        imageHeight - the target height of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        inName - the file name from where to read.
        FileNotFoundException - if the file was not found.
        IOException - if any other error occured.
      • WmfFile

        public WmfFile​(InputStream in,
                       int imageWidth,
                       int imageHeight)
                throws IOException
        Initialize metafile for reading from the given input stream.
        imageWidth - the target width of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        imageHeight - the target height of the image or -1 for automatic mode.
        in - the stream from where to read.
        IOException - if any other error occured.
    • Method Detail

      • getImageSize

        public Dimension getImageSize()
      • getHeader

        public MfHeader getHeader()
        Return Placeable and Windows headers that were read earlier.
        the meta-file header.
      • getGraphics2D

        public Graphics2D getGraphics2D()
      • scaleToFit

        public void scaleToFit​(float fitWidth,
                               float fitHeight)
        Scales the WMF-image to the given width and height while preserving the aspect ration.
        fitWidth - the target width.
        fitHeight - the target height.
      • scalePercent

        public void scalePercent​(float percent)
        Scale the image to a certain percentage.
        percent - the scaling percentage
      • scalePercent

        public void scalePercent​(float percentX,
                                 float percentY)
        Scale the width and height of an image to a certain percentage.
        percentX - the scaling percentage of the width
        percentY - the scaling percentage of the height
      • getCurrentState

        public MfDcState getCurrentState()
      • saveDCState

        public void saveDCState()
      • getStateCount

        public int getStateCount()
      • restoreDCState

        public void restoreDCState​(int stateCount)
        Restores a state. The stateCount specifies the number of states to discard to find the correct one.
        stateCount - the state count.
      • findFreeSlot

        protected int findFreeSlot()
        Return the next free slot from the objects table.
        the next new free slot in the objects-registry
      • storeObject

        public void storeObject​(WmfObject o)
      • deleteObject

        public void deleteObject​(int slot)
      • getObject

        public WmfObject getObject​(int slot)
      • getBrushObject

        public MfLogBrush getBrushObject​(int slot)
      • getPenObject

        public MfLogPen getPenObject​(int slot)
      • getRegionObject

        public MfLogRegion getRegionObject​(int slot)
      • replay

        public BufferedImage replay​(int imageX,
                                    int imageY)
      • getPreferredSize

        public Dimension getPreferredSize()
        Returns the preferred size of the drawable. If the drawable is aspect ratio aware, these bounds should be used to compute the preferred aspect ratio for this drawable.
        the preferred size.
      • isPreserveAspectRatio

        public boolean isPreserveAspectRatio()
        Returns true, if this drawable will preserve an aspect ratio during the drawing.
        true, if an aspect ratio is preserved, false otherwise.