All Classes and Interfaces
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
A dialog that displays information about the demonstration application.
The AbstractExportPlugin provides a basic implementation of the ExportPlugin interface.
Todo: The whole horizontal alignment is not suitable for spanned page breaks.
Creation-Date: 21.07.2006, 19:21:43
This can be better handled in a formula.
The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
elements.A base class for implementing the
interface.The AbstractElementFormatFunction provides a common base implementation for all functions that need to modify the
report definition or the style of an report element or band during the report processing.
Provides a base implementation for element write handlers.
Creation-Date: 02.12.2006, 14:21:07
An abstract base class for implementing new report expressions.
A base class for all file operations.
Base class for implementing new report functions.
TA common base class for
implementations.An abstract base class for object descriptions.
Creation-Date: 09.04.2007, 10:59:35
A simple parameter that represents a single value.
The LayoutSystem is a simplified version of the LibLayout-rendering system.
The AbstractReportDefinition serves as base-implementation for both the SubReport and the global JFreeReport
A base class for common report process task implementations.
The root-level band is the container that is processed by a report-state.
Creation-Date: 05.12.2005, 19:50:49
An abstract class for implementing the
interface.The Table-Output processor uses the pagination stage to build a list of table-layouts.
An abstract base class that implements the
interface.An abstract class for implementing the
interface.A base class for writer classes for the JFreeReport XML report files.
Creation-Date: 01.12.2006, 18:49:32
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:18:56
Creation-Date: 30.11.2006, 13:04:07
The Action-Plugin interface defines the common properties for the Control and Export-Plugins.
Creation-Date: 17.05.2007, 20:14:23
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:50:39
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:50:39
This handler does the same as the ReportState.advance() method, but does not create a new state object all the time.
To position an element inside an box, we need the following data:
An object-description for an
object.Creation-Date: 08.05.2007, 20:04:44
Creation-Date: 12.11.2006, 13:42:38
the Anchor-Field has been deprecated.
A drawable field template description.
The anchor filter is deprecated now.
Creation-Date: 30.09.2007, 17:19:49
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 19:45:12
use formulas instead
Marks the Page-Header as commited and as seen.
Applies the createRollbackInformation-marker to all closed boxes and applies the pending marker to all currently open
Applies the createRollbackInformation-marker to all closed boxes and applies the pending marker to all currently open
An class that implements the
interface to create Arrays of objects.Describes an Object- or primitive value array.
An ValueConverter that handles Arrays.
Simple bean-like class for holding all the information about an attribute change.
The attribute core enables semantic inspections of attribute values.
Simple bean-like class for holding all the information about an attribute change.
Evaluates style-expressions and updates the stylesheet.
A internal helper object to store an attribute-group definition.
Describes the known attributes an element can take.
A constant collection holding default attribute names.
The attribute registry allows to update the available attributes for an element.
A internal type that marks boxes that have been created for layouting purposes.
this has been replaced by the ColumnAverageExpression.
The module definition for the AWT printing export gui module.
A report band is a collection of other elements and bands, similiar to an AWT-Container.
A default band style sheet.
A element factory that can be used to configure bands.
A band layout class factory.
This class is no longer used.
A layout context that defers adding the current box to the parent until the context is closed.
A band style sheet.
Todo: Document Me
The module definition for the itext font processing module.
Creation-Date: 16.05.2006, 17:19:38
An object-description for a
object.The BeanException class signals errors when setting or reading bean properties.
An object-description for a bean object.
A lookup parser that uses the standard ${..} syntax to lookup bean references.
The module definition for the beanshell expression support module.
The BeanUtility class enables access to bean properties using the reflection API.
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 20:13:53
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:05:16
A class that handles the conversion of
attributes to and from their String
representation.A class that handles the conversion of
attributes to and from their String
representation.An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 13:54:17
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 13:57:52
Creation-Date: 28.10.2007, 15:52:19
Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
An object-description for an
object.Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
Creation-Date: 13.10.2006, 22:22:10
A box definition.
By keeping the shifting in a separate class, we can optimize it later without having to touch the other code.
Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
An object-description for an
object.Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
A special box that simply marks the position of an automatic pagebreak.
An expression that uses the Bean scripting framework to perform a scripted calculation.
The module definition for the bean scripting framework support module.
An expression that uses the BeanShell scripting framework to perform a scripted calculation.
An Array-List with a linear instead of exponential growth.
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
The bundle-frontend.
A handler that writes a certain aspect into a own file.
Carries the global state while writing.
Todo: Document Me
An object-description for a
object.By keeping the shifting in a separate class, we can optimize it later without having to touch the other code.
This processes the second step of the vertical-layouting.
This process-step computes the effective layout, but it does not take horizontal pagebreaks into account.
A renderbox that behaves like a huge canvas.
Use a formula instead.
The cascading data factory is a collection of data-factories.
Creation-Date: 01.12.2006, 20:01:32
The cell-format function is an internal structure function that copies the format-strings of any text-field into the
stylesheet of the element.
Right alignment strategy.
A layout manager that displays a single component in the center of its container.
An object-description for a
object.A class factory.
A class factory collector.
An abstract class that implements the
interface.An utility class to safely boot and initialize the Pentaho-Reporting library.
The CoreModule is used to represent the base classes of JFreeReport in a PackageManager-compatible way.
Container class for the resource key factory parameters that the reporting engine has knowledge of.
Details about the JFreeReport project.
An object-description for a class loader.
Removed finished block-boxes.
This step must not remove boxes that have a manual break attached.
Extends the TableModel interface to be closeable.
Creation-Date: 04.07.2007, 14:01:43
An object description for simple collection objects, like java.util.List or java.util.Set.
An object-description for a
object.The base-class for all expressions that aggregate values from multiple columns.
the same can be achived with a formula "AVG([column1], [column2], [column3])"
This can be done easier with a formula.
Use a formula
Use a formula
Use a formula
Use a formula
Use a formula
Applies the createRollbackInformation-marker to all closed boxes and applies the pending marker to all currently open
This can be solved easier using the Inline-Expression language.
Use a formula instead.
like all compare functions, using the formula support is easier.
This can be done a lot easier using a simple formula.
A Drawable that renders a AWT-component.
A filter that wraps AWT- and Swing-components into a Drawable implementation.
An drawable field template.
A drawable field template description.
The compound data factory is a collection of data-factories.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:47:53
Computes the width for all elements.
This is a lightweight bean-converter that normalizes the PMD internal data-structures into their
string-representation so that we can then reconvert it back to a valid bean.
Filter the values by using a plain formula.
The config factory is used to access the currently active config storage implementation.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 18:35:57
Config storage implementations are used to store a set of properties to a certain key.
The module definition for the config store system.
The config store exception is throwns if an error prevents an operation on the current configuration storage
A storage item for conflicting cells.
Creation-Date: Dec 12, 2006, 1:53:44 PM
Creation-Date: Jan 19, 2007, 5:02:46 PM
Creation-Date: Dec 17, 2006, 8:58:11 PM
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 20:20:54
The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
The content file is included exactly once in each bundle.
Creation-Date: 04.10.2007, 14:54:24
Creation-Date: 08.05.2007, 20:08:45
The content root handler is the first handler that is parsed when dealing with bundle-reports.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 17:52:48
An ActionPlugin that configures the Preview-Component in some way.
use a formula function (ParseDate) instead.
Parses a string into a number using the given decimal-format.
Counts the distinct occurrences of an certain value of an column.
It is easier to create anchors using a Style-expression.
add style expressions to the 'href-target' and 'href-window' instead.
Can have either a column body or a details body.
Creates a new crosstab subreport instance.
Implementation for crosstab element read handler.
Implementation for crosstab element type.
Implementation for crosstab element write handler.
A crosstab group represents the page, row, column and detail sections of a cube.
A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
Can have either a row- or a column body.
Computes the column-axis values for all crosstabs in the current report.
Can have either a row- or a column body.
Todo: Document Me
A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
Creation-Date: 30.11.2005, 16:04:27
Creation-Date: 30.11.2005, 16:43:45
Creation-Date: 30.11.2005, 15:38:58
Creation-Date: 30.11.2005, 16:09:21
Creates a new CSS parser by first looking for a specified parser in the libLayout configuration and if that fails, by
using the W3C parser factory.
We do not support DOM node types, we always assume elements here (or evaluate both selectors to see if they match).
A cascading style resolver.
A dialog for exporting a report to CSV format.
Encapsulates the CSVDataExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that writes an report into a CSV file, and uses the raw target to create layouted
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of CSV table exports.
The module definition for the CSV export gui module.
The module definition for the raw csv export module.
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:39:13
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:52:05
coordinates the writing process for the raw CSV output.The
is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format.Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of CSV table exports.
A dialog for exporting a report to CSV format.
Encapsulates the CSVDataExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that writes an report into a CSV file, and uses the table target to create layouted
used by the CSVTableModelProducer
class.Creates a
using a file formated in CSV for input.The module definition for the Html table export module.
Will be removed in the future, as PDI is a better CSV generator.
A page definition, that consists of one or many pages.
A data-cell holds a reference to a TableCellRenderBox.
A result object for the XML parser.
Creates a tablemodel on request.
This class represents a parse-result.
The module definition for the bean scripting framework support module.
Creation-Date: Jan 15, 2007, 6:51:41 PM
Creation-Date: 27.06.2006, 12:09:08
Serializes a single data factory into inline-XML for the Ext-XML format.
Creation-Date: Jan 18, 2007, 6:39:15 PM
A data filter is a combined input-/out target.
The datarow is used to access the current row in the
, Expression
s and
s using a generic interface.This is the connection-proxy to the various data sources contained in the elements.
A DataSource that can access values from the 'data-row'.
Represents a compiled data-schema.
Represents an uncompiled (raw) data-schema definition.
Todo: Document Me
A common data-object for representing named queries.
A DataSource is a producer in the data chain.
created from a number of other factories.A data source factory.
A design-time interface.
Represents a DataFactory-Editor plugin.
An application that generates a report that provides style key reference information.
A table model for the style key reference generator.
A data-source writer.
Creation-Date: 07.09.2007, 12:35:39
A DataTarget is a consumer in the DataProcessing chain.
The VariableDateExpression is much better suited for this purpose.
The DateExpression can be used to construct a static date object.
The date format factory can be used to create date/time text elements.
A date field template.
A date field template description.
A filter that creates string from dates.
Parses a String into a java.util.Date.
An object-description for a
This can be solved using a plain formula.
Creation-Date: 09.10.2007, 19:00:02
A filter that formats the numeric value from a data source to a string representation using the decimal number system
as base.
An object-description for a
object.A filter that parses string values from a data source to a number using the decimal numeric system as base.
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:28:03
A default implementation of the
Use the DesignTimeDataSchemaModel instead.
A default implementation of the
interface.A default implementation of the
interface.Creation-Date: 24.07.2006, 17:35:25
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 16:41:38
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 17:05:27
Creation-Date: 13.11.2006, 19:27:51
An DefaultImageReference encapsulates the source of an image together with a
.A layout context that delays adding the content to the parent box until the content is closed and that only adds the
content if the element is not empty.
Creation-Date: 22.04.2007, 13:47:41
A default implementation of the NamespaceDefinition interface.
Creation-Date: 05.04.2007, 16:15:32
The ReportState list stores a report states for the beginning of every page.
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 16:43:48
A simple implementation that provides static environmental information.
An empty implementation that returns the report unchanged.
A default implementation of the ResourceBundleFactory, that creates resource bundles using the specified locale.
Creation-Date: 17.07.2007, 11:23:20
A default implementation of the
interface.A template collection.
Creation-Date: 02.11.2007, 14:14:23
A details footer is printed between the last itemband and the first group-footer.
A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
An object-description for a
object.An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: Jan 19, 2007, 4:44:05 PM
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 15:29:17
Creation-Date: Jan 18, 2007, 6:41:57 PM
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 15:29:17
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:47:53
Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 19:13:07
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
An object-description for a
object.An drawable field template.
A drawable field template description.
The DrawableLoadFilter is used to load drawable image files (like WMF's) during the report generation process.
A component, that accepts a drawable and which draws that drawable.
Creation-Date: 15.11.2006, 22:14:09
An image URL element template, which reads the image from a static URL.
An image URL element template description.
An image URL field template, which reads the image from an URL supplied from a column in the DataRow.
A drawable field template description.
Creation-Date: Jan 19, 2007, 5:03:22 PM
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 18:09:25
An element, that has the dynamic flag set to true, must restrict its maximum width to the minimum width (unless it
explicitly defines the maximum-width).
A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced
content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
Designtime support class.
The simplest of all caches systems.
Base class for all report elements (displays items that can appear within a report band).
Represents the alignment of an element.
Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
add a style expression for the 'paint' style instead
The default element style sheet.
The class element factory is the base class for all Element Factories.
The interface that defines an element factory.
An element factory that encapsulates multiple element factories.
A tagging interface to mark XmlReadHandler which return an report-element.
Creation-Date: 05.04.2007, 15:18:00
An element style-sheet contains zero, one or many attributes that affect the appearance of report elements.
Creation-Date: Dec 17, 2006, 2:36:55 PM
This function can be safely replaced by a formula.
A element type is a data-source/data-filter implementation much like the templates.
This class represents a parse-result.
add a style-expression for the visible style-key instead.
Use the RowBandingFunction to modify the band's background color directly.
An object-description for a
object.The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
A template to create rectangle elements.
A rectangle template description.
A datafactory that does not do any real work.
A data source that always returns null.
This implementation does nothing and is used as dummy if the paragraph was unchanged.
The EmptyReportException is thrown, it the report processing generated no content.
A model for the 'encoding' combo box.
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
This marks the end of an inline-element.
Creation-Date: 04.07.2007, 19:00:19
Function to turn a big number into a readable format using engineering notation as described
Function that pick a number and outputs it's engineering representation
A function that logs each event that it receives.
Created by on 9/13/2016.
A dialog that is used to prepare the printing of a report into an Excel file.
The module definition for the excel export gui module.
Encapsulates the ExcelExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation, which writes a given report into an Excel file.
This class keeps track of all fonts that we have used so far in our Excel file.
A specialized class containing all image handling functionality for Excel exports.
A read only page format mapping definiton to map a page format to an predefined excel constant.
Performs all steps to setup the printer page of an excel sheet.
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of excel exports.
The module definition for the Excel table export module.
The exception dialog is used to display an exception and the exceptions stacktrace to the user.
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 17:52:48
An export plug-in is a class that can work with the
class to implement an export
function for reports.Creation-Date: 15.05.2007, 16:42:51
An expression is a lightweight function that does not maintain a state.
Collects all expressions used in the report.
Provides meta-data for functions.
Describes the known attributes an element can take.
The expression runtime encapsulates all properties of the current report processing run that might be needed to
successfully evaluate an expression.
A collection of utility methods which may be useful for expression-implementors.
Creation-Date: 04.04.2007, 14:47:05
A datafactory that allows to use a tablemodel passed in as a parameter as primary report-datasource.
Todo: Document me!
The module definition for the extended parser module.
Performs the module initialization for the extended parser.
A default factory for all commonly used java base classes from java.lang, java.awt etc.
Creation-Date: Dec 15, 2006, 10:01:09 PM
The module definition for the extended report description writer module.
The FileConfigStorage is a storage provider that stores its content on the local filesystem.
The module definition for the filesystem config storage module.
The initializer is used to setup the file system storage provider and to register the providers at the configfactory.
This URL rewriter assumes that the content repository is an URL based repository and that each content entity can be
resolved to an URL.
This Step copies all content from the logical page into a paginated copy of the logical page box.
This Step copies all content from the logical page into the page-grid.
A box replacement.
A Array-List for integer objects.
An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 16:36:31
This class uses the concept of shifting to push boxes, which otherwise do not fit on the current page, over the
page-boundary of the next page.
A flow renderer is a light-weight paginating renderer.
Creation-Date: 03.05.2007, 10:30:45
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
Creation-Date: 09.04.2007, 11:01:40
use single properties instead.
An object-description for a
object.FontFamily PropertyEditor.
Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
An object-description for an
object.Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
The base class for filters that format data.
A format parser tries to parse a string into an object.
The FormatSpecification classifies a format string into the 4 known classes of format-strings of Java.
The formula expression is used to evaluate a LibFormula/OpenFormula expression.
The formula function is a stateful version of the FormulaExpression and is used to evaluate a LibFormula/OpenFormula
Creation-Date: 25.04.2007, 13:44:48
The interface for report functions.
An exception that indicates that a function has not been correctly initialised.
Creation-Date: Dec 15, 2006, 2:24:30 PM
An XML definition writer that outputs the functions.
A collection of utility methods relating to functions.
An Object Description for general shapes and the GeneralPath-class.
A generic write handler for data elements and all sections that have no need for writing additional information.
A generic dummy class that reports the export-descriptor "none/none".
Creation-Date: 06.05.2007, 19:26:00
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 16:34:55
The module definition for the Graphics2D pagable export module.
Creation-Date: 02.01.2006, 19:55:14
A report group.
This class only has two valid sub-classes and exists purely to limit the applicable composition options in the
A report function that counts groups in a report.
This Comparator implements the standard java.util.Comparator interface.
A band that appears at the end of each instance of a group.
Todo: Document Me
A report band that appears at the beginning of each instance of a group.
Todo: Document Me
The group-list is a legacy class and should not be used outside the legacy handling.
Creation-Date: 15.11.2006, 21:53:43
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 17:06:38
Use a formula
Use a Style-Expression or make proper use of the No-Data-Band
This should be done using Style-Expressions.
Use style expressions instead.
The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
Defines a horizontal line template.
A horizontal line template description.
The cellstyle producer converts the JFreeReport content into excel cell styles.
The HSSFFontWrapper is used to store excel style font information.
A collection of all character entites defined in the HTML4 standard.
Creation-Date: 20.12.2005, 10:48:22
Creation-Date: 20.12.2005, 10:48:22
A dialog that is used to perform the printing of a report into an HTML file.
Encapsulates the HtmlExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that exports the report into a HTML directory structure.
Utility methods to support HTML style encodings like the UTF and CSS encodings.
Utility methods to support HTML style encodings like the UTF and CSS encodings.
The module definition for the Html export gui module.
Creation-Date: 30.08.2007, 17:14:39
Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 18:56:36
This class is the actual HTML-emitter.
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of html exports.
This handles HTML 3.2 with some CSS support.
A dialog that is used to perform the printing of a report into an HTML file.
Encapsulates the HtmlExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that exports the report into a single HTML file.
The module definition for the Html table export module.
Creation-Date: 02.11.2007, 15:58:29
A dialog that is used to perform the printing of a report into an HTML file.
Encapsulates the HtmlExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that exports the report into a ZIPped Html directory structure.
Single entry point for all
HttpClient instances
usages in pentaho projects.Utility class contained useful methods while working with
An Icon-Theme is an extension point to replace the icons that are used by JFreeReport.
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 19:54:48
Creation-Date: 04.07.2007, 14:01:43
A image container stores all layout information to process images in a report.
An image field template.
An image field template description.
The image load filter is used to load images during the report generation process.
A filter that converts an Image to an ImageReference.
An image URL element template, which reads the image from a static URL.
An image URL element template description.
An image URL field template, which reads the image from an URL supplied from a column in the DataRow.
An image URL field template description.
Provides utility methods for image creation and manipulation.
An immutable version of the table-metadata class.
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 2:34:05 PM
Computes the absolute layout.
This process-step computes the effective layout, but it does not take horizontal pagebreaks into account.
Todo: We should select a baseline (and not be limited to the first one)
Anthing that is not text.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:44:46
This is a internal class that provides a expression-runtime for internal purposes.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:47:53
Anthing that is not text.
The Inline-Box represents a flow-text container.
A sequence element.
Todo: Document Me
Todo: Document Me
The simplest of all caches systems.
This class can be used as ID to mark instances of objects.
A class that caches commonly used Integer-objects.
An object-description for an
object.A Array-List for integer objects.
This exception is thrown to indicate that the value entered is wrong, not understood or otherwise invalid.
An exception that can be thrown during report processing, if an error occurs.
Use a formula instead or make proper use of the No-Data band.
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
Use a Formula Instead
Tests, whether a certain export type is currently used.
Tests, whether a certain export type is currently used.
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
This can be replaced by a formula.
Use a Formula Instead
This can be replaced by a formula.
A report function that calculates the average of one field (column) from the TableModel.
A report band that displays a row of data items.
Todo: Document Me
Use PercentageExpression instead, it's name is much clearer
A report function that counts items in a report.
The ItemHideFunction hides equal values in a group.
A report function that calculates the maximum value of one field (column) from the data-row.
A report function that calculates the minimum value of one field (column) from the data-row.
Calculates the percentage value of a numeric field.
A report function that calculates the sum of one field (column) from the data-row.
Iterates over the document tree using the display-role of the current node as selector.
Iterates over the tree of nodes and classifies nodes by their Display-Model.
Creation-Date: 02.05.2007, 15:36:53
A default factory for all commonly used java base classes from java.lang, java.awt etc.
In case we do not run on a JDK 1.6 from Oracle, the "sun" name-space may not be available.
<!ELEMENT report (configuration?, reportheader?, reportfooter?, pageheader?,
pagefooter?, watermark?, groups?, items?, functions?)>
<!ATTLIST report
pageformat %pageFormats; #IMPLIED
orientation (%orientations;) "portrait"
leftmargin CDATA #IMPLIED
rightmargin CDATA #IMPLIED
topmargin CDATA #IMPLIED
bottommargin CDATA #IMPLIED
Creation-Date: 30.11.2006, 13:04:07
Writes a JNDI connection definition into the XML file.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 18:09:25
This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been
This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been
This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been
A factory to define LabelElements.
A label template can be used to describe static text content.
A label template description.
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 19:54:48
Creation-Date: 17.07.2007, 14:03:15
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: Jan 22, 2007, 12:20:04 PM
Todo: Document Me
A construction helper for layout models.
Bits 0-3 define the general node type.
A listener that gets informed whenever the layoutsystem generates a pagebreak.
This is a bean-handler.
A tagging interface that allows the system to differentiate between functions that compute values and functions that
modify the report-definiton.
Todo: Document Me
Performs the left-alignment computations.
This data-row wrapper supports the full interface as it was defined in version 0.8.9.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 15.04.2007, 14:40:35
This Document restricts the size of the contained plain text to the given number of characters.
A list that associates a level (instance of
) with each element in the list.A panel containing a table that lists the libraries used in a project.
An object-description for a
object.Copies the locale from one central point (usually the dialog) to all listeners.
Creation-Date: 24.01.2006, 19:19:03
The LocalImageContainer makes the image available as 'java.awt.Image' instance.
Creation-Date: 30.11.2006, 13:09:37
Creation-Date: 30.11.2006, 12:57:44
The logical page is the root-structure of the generated content.
The page drawable is the content provider for the Graphics2DOutputTarget.
Creation-Date: 10.11.2006, 13:04:36
A Array-List for integer objects.
An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: 12.07.2007, 14:16:07
A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced
content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
Returns the value read from a mapped field.
Maps a string read from a column into an other string.
Fill me.
A JFreeReport instance is used as report template to define the visual layout of a report and to collect all data
sources for the reporting.
The message format factory can be used to create formatted text elements using the format defined for
.The message field template simplifies the on-the-fly creation of strings.
A number field template description.
Formats a message using named parameters.
A filter that formats values from a data source to a string representation.
The message format support class helps to translate named references to fields in a message format string into
numeric index positions.
The message compiler maps all named references into numeric references.
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
A extension of the classic table-model.
Rewires the scrollpane's preferred size property to the minimum-size property to avoid a non-linear behavior when
used in the gridbag layout.
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
A export task that generates multiple streams, like the HTML-output does.
A NamedStaticDataFactory provides an query-aliasing facility to decouple the report definitions from the underlying
datasource implentation.
A collection of all namespace information for a document.
This exception is thrown to indicate that the parameter needs more data to produce a sensible value.
The same thing can be achieved using a simple StyleExpression on the element's PAINT stylekey.
A Wrapper stream that does never calls close on its parent.
The No-Data-Band is printed if the current report has no data in its main data-table.
Todo: Document Me
A generic align context for images and other nodes.
A static properties collection.
An element, that does not have the dynamic flag set to true, is limited to its minimum size and cannot grow any
larger than that.
A replaced content element that is contained in a 'canvas' box (which is the default for all non-inline replaced
content elements) must have a minimum width and height of 100% so that it fills the whole box.
An element, that does not have the dynamic flag set to true, is limited to its minimum size and cannot grow any
larger than that.
An empty default implementation.
The number format factory can be used to create numeric text elements.
A number field template.
A number field template description.
A filter that formats the numeric value from a data source to a string representation.
A filter that parses the numeric value from a data source string into a number representation.
Creation-Date: 29.10.2007, 18:44:24
Creation-Date: 29.10.2007, 18:36:13
An interface for object descriptions.
An exception that is thrown, if the creation of an Object failed in the ObjectFactory implementation.
An application that creates a report documenting the object references.
A table model for the objects referenced by the class factories.
this thrown, when the object resolving operation for serialized objects
failed.A writer.
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 19:45:12
Computed structural data of a crosstab.
use Formulas instead
Computes break positions that prevent Orphan and Widow elements, according to the definitions on the boxes
A simple tagging interface for the transition from function-based layouting back to explicit layouting.
The output-processor receives the layouted content and is responsible for translating the received content into the
specific output format.
Creation-Date: 14.12.2005, 13:47:47
The output processor metadata contains global configuration settings for a give report processing run.
A datarow that acts as padding source.
The module definition for the pagable export base module.
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 16:36:48
A style key factory.
Creation-Date: 08.04.2007, 15:42:26
Creation-Date: 13.05.2007, 13:06:24
Creation-Date: 17.11.2006, 20:31:36
Todo: Document Me
A logical page definition for a report.
The PageDrawable can be used to render a single page into an arbitary Graphics2D context.
The PageEventListener gets informed of PageEvents.
Creation-Date: 09.04.2007, 11:02:04
A report band that appears at the bottom of every page.
The PageFormatFactory is used to create PageFormats on a higher level.
A component that renders a picture of an empty page, so that the page-setup-dialog can show the user an approximation
of the current input.
A report function that counts pages.
The page grid describes the logical page.
A report band used to print information at the top of every page in the report.
An ItemCount function, that is reset to zero on every new page.
An ItemSum function, that is reset to zero on every new page.
A report function that combines
and PageTotalFunction
.An export control plugin that handles the setup of page format objects for the report.
A class defining a page-dimension.
A page state hold a process state along with its current page counter.
A page state list contains stored page states.
Prints the total number of pages of an report.
Creation-Date: 15.08.2007, 16:12:34
Creation-Date: 02.05.2007, 14:55:58
This class uses the concept of shifting to push boxes, which otherwise do not fit on the current page, over the
page-boundary of the next page.
A helper class that contains generic methods that would distract me from the actual pagination logic.
Use the new Component-Element instead.
Use the new Component-Element instead.
Creation-Date: 25.04.2007, 13:42:05
This static computation step performs manual linebreaks on all paragraphs.
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 13:38:24
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 13:38:00
The parameter context is provided by the reporting engine to connect the parameter system with the data-sources and
user-defined parameters..
A static data row that reads its values from a report properties collection.
Contains the definition of a single parameter, along with means to validate the parameter on the server side and
means to attach arbitrary data to the parameter.
A parameter mapping defines an aliasing rule for incoming and outgoing sub-report parameters.
Creation-Date: Jan 9, 2007, 6:01:15 PM
The default controller for all reports (unless redefined by the user).
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
The module definition for the parser base classes module.
A parser configuration writer.
The PatchRtfBorder handle one row or cell border.
The PatchRtfBorderGroup represents a collection of RtfBorders to use in a PatchRtfCell or PatchRtfTable.
The PatchRtfCell wraps a Cell, but can also be added directly to a Table.
The PatchRtfRow wraps one Row for a PatchRtfTable.
The PatchRtfTable wraps a Table.
The RtfWriter allows the creation of rtf documents via the iText system
This class represents a single segment in a path iterator.
Describes the PathIteratorSegment object for the object factories used in the parser.
Creation-Date: 02.12.2006, 15:27:30
The module definition for the PDF export gui module.
Encapsulates the PDF export into a separate export plugin.
An export task implementation which writes a given report into a PDF file.
This file is a temporary fix to an iText-Bug.
Creation-Date: 17.07.2007, 18:41:46
A streaming target, which produces a PDF document.
The module definition for the PDF pagable export module.
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of PDF exports.
This handler deferrs the event progression by one "advance" call, so that we can hopefully clean up the pages and
generate some page-events.
The same can be achieved using a simple ValueExpression.
Defines the properties of a single physical page.
Creation-Date: 17.11.2006, 18:00:46
A physical page-key identifies a generated page.
Creation-Date: 10.09.2006, 17:27:54
A simple parameter that represents a single value.
A data carrier to collect and store text data for the output.
A dialog that is used to export reports to plain text.
The module definition for the plain text export gui module.
Encapsulates the PlainTextExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation that writes the report into a plain text file.
The plain text page is used to buffer a complete page and to write the buffered data when the page is closed.
The module definition for the plain text pagable export module.
An utility class to write an report into a plain text file.
An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: 11.11.2006, 19:35:22
Creation-Date: 11.11.2006, 19:35:16
Creation-Date: 11.11.2006, 19:35:09
Creation-Date: 11.11.2006, 19:35:09
Creation-Date: 11.11.2006, 19:36:13
Creation-Date: 17.11.2006, 15:06:51
A tablemodel that allows to override the column names.
Creation-Date: 13.05.2007, 15:28:24
An export task implementation that prints a report using the AWT printing API.
An export plugin for the
API.Creation-Date: 09.04.2007, 13:28:33
Creation-Date: 05.09.2005, 18:36:03
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
The processing context hold information about the progress of the report processing and contains global properties
used during the report processing.
Creation-Date: 16.07.2007, 13:42:43
The property lookup parser is used to resolve embedded references to properties within strings.
A data-row wrapper that adds a new artificial parameter to the original datarow that holds the query-limit.
Creation-Date: 10.11.2006, 20:41:29
Creation-Date: 10.11.2006, 20:41:29
The raw data source allows direct access to the filtered raw data.
An object-description for a
object.The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
A template to create rectangle elements.
A rectangle template description.
An application that generates reports that document properties of the JFreeReport extended parser.
The module definition for the reference documentation generator module.
A class that automatically generates report-elements and summary functions based on the report-data-source.
A group that accepts fields.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 30.10.2006, 17:05:13
The renderable text is a text chunk, enriched with layouting information, such as break opportunities, character
sizes, kerning information and spacing information.
Problem: Text may span more than one chunk, and text may influence the break behaviour of the next chunk.
Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 13:17:47
Creation-Date: 09.07.2006, 21:03:12
Creation-Date: 12.05.2007, 15:58:43
A generic align context for images and other nodes.
Anthing that is not text.
A attribute map that keeps track of changes.
A report configuration writer.
A report controller.
A utility class for converting XML report definitions from the old format to the new format.
A report data factory exception is thrown whenever querying a datasource failed for some reason.
A default band style sheet.
A report definition.
A report definition.
Todo: Document Me
A report definition writer.
A report description writer.
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
A report drawable receives context-information from the report processor that may allow the implementation to return
better results.
A structural layout element.
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 1:06:08 PM
Provides a simplified interface to access information about the processing environment in a simple way.
Represents a report event.
The ReportEventException is thrown, if there were unrecoverable exceptions during the report processing.
Creation-Date: 15.08.2007, 16:20:24
A report band that appears as the very last band on the report.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
The report formula context is a FormulaContext implementation that connects the formula evaluator with the current
data-row of the report process.
Use LibLoader directly.
A report band that is printed once only at the beginning of the report.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:36:56
Provides a high-level event system for receiving hyperlink events.
This exception is thrown when the current thread received the Interrupt-signal while the report is beeing processed.
ReportListeners get informed whenever the state of a report changes.
A report specific mouse-listener.
The ReportParameterDefinition provides user-supplied meta-data about the contents of the report-properties.
The report parameter validator is responsible for validating the values provided by the user.
A helper class to make parsing the xml files a lot easier.
Creation-Date: 04.07.2007, 13:59:42
An exception that can be thrown during report processing, if an error occurs.
A simple central storage for all sort of caching needs.
A report task is a generic way to create documents of a certain type from a report object.
A progress monitor dialog component that visualizes the report processing progress.
A report progress event notifies the listeners about the proceedings of the report processing.
A report progress listener receives status events about the report processing status.
A resource implementation that tries to clone the provided parse-result so that the cached object is shielded from
later modifications.
A default band style sheet.
Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:18:11
The process-state key is a unique functional identifier of report-states.
Filter out reports that have any kind of visible style expressions, inline subreport or graphical elements.
A report writer.
Creation-Date: Jan 22, 2007, 3:06:53 PM
An exception that can be generated by the
class.Creation-Date: 30.11.2007, 12:58:54
A resource bundle factory defines the locale for a report and is used to create resourcebundles.
Performs a resource-bundle lookup using the value read from the defined field as key in the resource-bundle.
A factory to define ResourceFieldElements.
A resource field template, which reads a String value from a ResourceBundle.
A resource field template description.
Lookup a key from a datasource using a ResourceBundle.
A factory to define translateable LabelElements.
A resource label template.
A resource label template description.
Created by on 9/29/2016.
Created by on 9/29/2016.
A factory to define translateable LabelElements.
A filter that formats values from the datarow using a message format object.
A field template that formats values from the datarow using a message format object.
A resource field template description.
Formats a message read from a resource-bundle using named parameters.
Represents a static resource reference to a file contained in the bundle or in a location that is accessible via the
report's resource-manager.
A handler that writes resources into the document bundle based on the resource keys found inside the report
This handler deferrs the event progression by one "advance" call, so that we can hopefully clean up the pages and
generate some page-events.
Creates a
which is backed up by a ResultSet
.This final processing step revalidates the text-layouting and the vertical alignment of block-level elements.
Creation-Date: 31.07.2007, 19:09:52
In case we do not run on a JDK 1.6 from Oracle, the "sun" name-space may not be available.
A worker that converts raw-objects into rich-text objects.
Right alignment strategy.
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 3:34:02 PM
A RootLevelBand is directly connected with a report definition or a group.
An object-description for a
object.A template to create rectangle elements.
A rectangle template description.
A function that alternates the background-color for each item-band within a group.
The function-description class for the IsExportTypeFunction.
A block-render box that layouts all elements on the horizontal axis using the direct child element's width as fixed
layout constraint.
A dialog that is used to prepare the printing of a report into an RTF file.
The module definition for the RTF export gui module.
Encapsulates the ExcelExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation, which writes a given report into an RTF file.
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:52:05
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of RTF exports.
This converter converts the content into a generic rich-text document.
The module definition for the RTF table export module.
Todo: On Block-Level elements, apply the block-level styles like text-alignment and vertical-alignment.
A drawable implementation that applies scaling to the wrapped up drawable object.
A tableModel which is backed up by a java.sql.ResultSet.
A section is a small-scale band that allows to access the child elements but does not define how childs get added or
organized in the section.
Creation-Date: 12.08.2007, 18:32:30
The section type interface is a marker interface to separate data-elements from sections (which contain other
elements but produce no content on their own).
Creation-Date: 05.12.2005, 19:39:58
Creation-Date: 18.07.2006, 16:46:11
Writes the settings file.
Todo: Document Me
A shape field template.
A shape field template description.
A shape filter.
Utility class, which resizes or translates a Shape.
The sheet layout is used to build the background map and to collect the x- and y-cell-borders.
This way of defining a sheetname for elements is deprecated.
An object-description for a
This can be done easier using style-expressions
Use a formula instead.
A filter that creates string from dates.
An object-description for a
object.Parses a String into a java.util.Date.
This implementation is used in the simple mode.
A simple page definition defines a logical page, for which all physical pages have the same size.
The Module specification for the simple parser module.
Handles the initalisation of the simple parser module.
Creation-Date: Dec 15, 2006, 10:01:09 PM
A stateless implementation of the style rule matching.
A simple, read-only stylesheet.
Creation-Date: Dec 15, 2006, 10:01:09 PM
A HTML-Generator that generates one file in a predefined location.
This URL-Rewriter assumes that both the content and data entity have been created from the same repository.
use the formula expression with the same name instead.
Computed structural data of a crosstab.
A spacer reserves space for whitespaces found in the text.
A spacer.
This interface represents a component, that can be split horizontally.
Creation-Date: Jan 19, 2007, 4:44:05 PM
Creation-Date: 09.10.2007, 19:00:02
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:47:53
Creation-Date: 16.04.2006, 20:30:42
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 15:29:17
Creation-Date: 09.10.2007, 19:00:02
Creation-Date: 09.10.2007, 19:00:02
This layout manager is no longer used.
Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
Represents the opening of an inline element and represents the respective border.
Simple data structure to replace HashMap and improve Total functions performance
Creation-Date: Dec 14, 2006, 7:59:39 PM
A comparator for levels in descending order.
If you use dependency injection to provide your own key make sure that you also redefine the prefix.
A static properties collection.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 14:54:57
This report data factory uses introspection to search for a report data source.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:44:46
Creation-Date: Jan 18, 2007, 6:41:57 PM
Creation-Date: Jan 18, 2007, 6:41:57 PM
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 15:29:17
This is a static datarow holding a value for each name in the datarow.
A data source that returns a constant value.
Creation-Date: 07.04.2006, 17:47:53
POI Excel utility methods.
This layout manager is no longer used.
This class is not used anywhere and you can get the same functionality via a default-list-parameter and a
Creation-Date: 15.05.2007, 16:47:14
Creation-Date: 15.05.2007, 16:47:58
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 16:36:40
The streaming renderer streams all generated (and layouted) elements to the output processor.
Creation-Date: 03.05.2007, 10:30:02
Creation-Date: 09.05.2007, 14:36:28
The StrictBounds class is a replacement for the Rectangle2D classes.
A dimension object that uses micro-points as units of measurement.
This class is the heart of the alternative geometrics toolkit.
Creation-Date: 09.07.2006, 20:22:06
A StrictPoint class represents a coordinate in the report layout.
A string field template.
A string field template description.
A filter that returns the value from a data source as a String.
An object-description for a
object.This class provides helper methods to work with Strokes and line-styles.
A structure function is a annonymous function that modifes the structure of the report or computes changes to the
report definition on the current report.
Simple bean-like class for holding all the information about an attribute change.
The interface that must be supported by objects that wish to receive notification of style change events.
A utility class for managing a collection of
objects.Simple bean-like class for holding all the information about an attribute change.
Evaluates style-expressions and updates the stylesheet.
A internal helper object to store an attribute-group definition.
A style key represents a (key, class) pair.
A style key factory.
A style key factory.
An application that generates a report that provides style key reference information.
A table model for the style key reference generator.
This class manages all existing styles.
Information about the style-keys of an element.
There are two kinds of style-references.
A (possibly stateful) style matcher.
Todo: Document Me
A style writer.
The content root handler is the first handler that is parsed when dealing with bundle-reports.
A group body that contains a sub-group.
A subreport element.
A result object for the XML parser.
Creation-Date: Jan 22, 2007, 3:05:02 PM
Todo: Document Me
Fill me.
Todo: Document Me
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 1:03:58 PM
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 1:05:00 PM
A TableModel that proxies an other tablemodel and cuts rows from the start and/or the end of the other tablemodel.
Use a formula
Draws a survey scale.
An expression that takes values from one or more fields in the current row of the report, builds a
instance that will present those values, and returns that instance as the expression result.A Drawable object that represents a legend item for a
Creation-Date: 17.11.2006, 14:40:24
Extends the common GUI-Context by a way to get access to the calling window.
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 18:59:43
Creation-Date: 20.11.2006, 22:42:21
A panel containing a table of system properties.
The module definition for the table export modules.
Creation-Date: 10.09.2006, 17:28:05
A table section box does not much rendering or layouting at all.
A column definition.
A table column group contains one or more table columns.
Creation-Date: 21.07.2006, 19:20:44
A table column defines a limited set of style properties, which may be applied to the cells.
After the pagination was able to deriveForAdvance the table-structure (all column and row-breaks are now known), this
second step flattens the layout-tree into a two-dimensional table structure.
The TableDataFactory provides keyed access to predefined tablemodels.
A utility class that prints out information about a TableModel.
The module definition for the table model utility classes module.
The TableRectangle contains GridCoordinates for the tables.
A table render box contains table header, table footer and the table body.
Updates the row heights in the model for a table.
Creation-Date: 10.09.2006, 20:01:18
The table row model is responsible for calculating cell heights and for distributing extra space for cells and rows.
A table section box does not much rendering or layouting at all.
A table section box does not much rendering or layouting at all.
Another static processing step which validates the table structure and computes the cell positions within the table.
A template defines a common use case for a DataSource and one or more predefined Filters.
A template class factory.
A template collection.
A template collection.
A template description.
No longer used.
The template writer writes a single template definition to the xml-definition stream.
A general alignment processor.
Creation-Date: 26.04.2007, 20:23:40
Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
Creation-Date: 13.05.2007, 15:49:13
Creation-Date: 13.10.2006, 22:26:50
The text element factory is the abstract base class for all text element factory implementations.
A factory to define text fields.
This printer driver will ignore all TextChunk encodings, as it makes no sense to have more than one encoding type in
a plain text file.
Use the MessageFormatExpression instead.
Text in a line.
Creation-Date: 04.04.2007, 14:46:14
Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
An object-description for an
object.Creation-Date: 24.01.2006, 19:19:03
Use a formula: "prefix & SUBSTITUTE(field, delimeter, replacement) & suffix"
This can be solved with a formula
A report function that stores the result of a calculation for a group or the complete report.
A report function that counts the total of groups in a report.
A report function that calculates the sum of one field (column) from the Data-Row.
A report function that calculates the quotient of two summed fields (columns) from the report's data row.
A report function that calculates the quotient of two summed fields (columns) from the data-row.
A report function that counts the total number of items contained in groups in a report.
A report function that pre-computes the largest item in a group.
A report function that pre-computes the smallest item in a group.
A report function that counts the total number of items contained in groups in a report.
Calculates the sum of a field for an entire page.
This can be solved with a formula
This function enables a "PageFooter only on last page" functionality.
Todo: Document Me
A URL class factory.
This can be replaced by a formula.
The URLFilter forms URLs from Strings ,Files and URLs.
An ObjectDescription for the URLFilterClass.
An image container, that references a remote image.
An object-description for a
object.Creation-Date: 04.05.2007, 19:23:43
This service takes a generated content location and rewrites it into an absolute or relative URL.
Creation-Date: 12.08.2007, 18:32:30
A decorator interface that allows an expression to validate it's parameters.
A collection containing validation results.
A value converter is an object that can transform an object into a string or vice versa.
Constructs a new date by specifying the fields for the calendar either as static parameters or as parameters read
from a field.
An object-description for an
object.There's only one alignment processor for the vertical layouting.
The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display
Defines a horizontal line template.
A vertical line template description.
Creation-Date: 24.11.2005, 17:08:01
Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
A report band used to print information at the background of every page in the report.
A marker interface, nothing more.
The WeakReference list uses
s to store its contents.Creation-Date: 30.10.2005, 19:37:35
An object-description for an
object.Creation-Date: 06.09.2007, 14:00:42
Computes break positions that prevent Orphan and Widow elements, according to the definitions on the boxes
A small helper class to limit the maximum size of an element to the elements maximum size.
A simple worker implementation.
The whole basic XML output is deprecated as it cannot handle inline subreports.
The whole basic XML output is deprecated as it cannot handle inline subreports.
Creation-Date: 20.10.2007, 16:33:56
Utility class to provide an easy to use default implementation of xml exports.
The whole basic XML output is deprecated as it cannot handle inline subreports.
A dialog that is used to prepare the printing of a report into an Excel file.
Encapsulates the ExcelExportDialog into a separate plugin.
An export task implementation, which writes a given report into an Excel file.
A report listener that calls Thread.yield() on each generated event.
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 18:51:18
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 18:52:30
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 18:52:30
This is a dummy plugin.
Creation-Date: 16.11.2006, 18:52:30