Class BaseFontSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BaseFontSupport extends Object implements com.lowagie.text.pdf.FontMapper
iText font support.
Thomas Morgner
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultEncoding

      public String getDefaultEncoding()
    • setDefaultEncoding

      public void setDefaultEncoding(String defaultEncoding)
    • isEmbedFonts

      public boolean isEmbedFonts()
    • setEmbedFonts

      public void setEmbedFonts(boolean embedFonts)
    • close

      public void close()
      Close the font support.
    • createBaseFont

      public com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont createBaseFont(String logicalName, boolean bold, boolean italic, String encoding, boolean embedded) throws BaseFontCreateException
      Creates a iText-BaseFont for an font. If no basefont could be created, an BaseFontCreateException is thrown.
      logicalName - the name of the font (null not permitted).
      bold - a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as bold font.
      italic - a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as italic or cursive font.
      encoding - the encoding.
      embedded - a flag indicating whether to embed the font glyphs in the generated documents.
      the base font record.
      BaseFontCreateException - if there was a problem setting the font for the target.
    • createBaseFontRecord

      public BaseFontRecord createBaseFontRecord(String logicalName, boolean bold, boolean italic, String encoding, boolean embedded) throws BaseFontCreateException
      Creates a BaseFontRecord for an font. If no basefont could be created, an BaseFontCreateException is thrown.
      logicalName - the name of the font (null not permitted).
      bold - a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as bold font.
      italic - a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as italic or cursive font.
      encoding - the encoding.
      embedded - a flag indicating whether to embed the font glyphs in the generated documents.
      the base font record.
      BaseFontCreateException - if there was a problem setting the font for the target.
    • awtToPdf

      public com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont awtToPdf(Font font)
      Returns a BaseFont which can be used to represent the given AWT Font
      Specified by:
      awtToPdf in interface com.lowagie.text.pdf.FontMapper
      font - the font to be converted
      a BaseFont which has similar properties to the provided Font
    • pdfToAwt

      public Font pdfToAwt(com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont font, int size)
      Returns an AWT Font which can be used to represent the given BaseFont
      Specified by:
      pdfToAwt in interface com.lowagie.text.pdf.FontMapper
      font - the font to be converted
      size - the desired point size of the resulting font
      a Font which has similar properties to the provided BaseFont