Package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader
package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader
ClassDescriptionCreation-Date: 08.04.2006, 14:08:13The ContentNotRecognizedException signals that none of the selected resource factories was able to handle the request.Creation-Date: 08.04.2006, 14:12:14A resource is a wrapper around the final product.A resource bundle is a compound archive that holds several resources.Creation-Date: 05.04.2006, 17:33:09A resource data object encapsulates the raw data of an resource at a given point in the past.Creation-Date: 05.04.2006, 13:03:53The key is an unique identifier for the resource.Creation-Date: 05.04.2006, 13:02:23Data class which holds the pieces of the String version of the Resource Key.Provides a setup of utility methods for operating on a ResourceKey class.A resource loader knows how to get binary rawdata from a location specified by an resource key.Creation-Date: 05.04.2006, 13:03:37The resource manager takes care about the loaded resources, performs caching, if needed and is the central instance when dealing with resources.A simple resource with only a single dependency.This exception is thrown whenever a resource-manager tries to load data using an invalid key.