Class ModuleNodeFactory

  • public class ModuleNodeFactory
    extends Object
    The module node factory is used to build the lists of modules and their assigned keys for the ConfigTreeModel.
    Thomas Morgner
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModuleNodeFactory

        public ModuleNodeFactory​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.AbstractBoot packageManager)
        Create a new and uninitialized module node factory.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
        (Re)Initializes the factory from the given report configuration. This will assign all keys frmo the report configuration to the model and assignes the definition from the configuration description if possible.
      • getPackage

        public static String getPackage​(Class c)
        Returns the name of the package for the given class. This is a workaround for the classloader behaviour of JDK1.2.2 where no package objects are created.
        c - the class for which we search the package.
        the name of the package, never null.
      • getGlobalNodes

        public ConfigTreeModuleNode[] getGlobalNodes()
        Returns all global nodes. You have to initialize the factory before using this method.
        the list of all global nodes.
      • getLocalNodes

        public ConfigTreeModuleNode[] getLocalNodes()
        Returns all local nodes. You have to initialize the factory before using this method.
        the list of all global nodes.
      • getEntryForKey

        public ConfigDescriptionEntry getEntryForKey​(String key)
        Returns the entry for the given key or null, if the key has no metadata.
        key - the name of the key
        the entry or null if not found.