Interface MultiStreamReportProcessTask

    • Method Detail

      • setBulkLocation

        void setBulkLocation​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.repository.ContentLocation bulkLocation)
        Defines the bulk location, where additional content can be stored.
        bulkLocation - the bulk location.
      • getBulkLocation

        org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.repository.ContentLocation getBulkLocation()
        Returns the defined bulk location for the export.
        the bulk location.
      • setBulkNameGenerator

        void setBulkNameGenerator​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.repository.NameGenerator bulkNameGenerator)
        Defines the bulk file name generator that is used to generate unique names for the exported files. If a bulk location is given, this property must not be null.
        bulkNameGenerator - the name generator.
      • getBulkNameGenerator

        org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.repository.NameGenerator getBulkNameGenerator()
        Returns the name generator for bulk content.
        the bulk file name generator.
      • setUrlRewriter

        void setUrlRewriter​(URLRewriter urlRewriter)
        Defines the URL rewriter that is used to link bulk items to the main document.
        urlRewriter - the URL rewriter used in the export.
      • getUrlRewriter

        URLRewriter getUrlRewriter()
        Returns the URL rewriter used during the export.
        the URL rewriter that is used to generate or alter URLs pointing to bulk items.