Class ContentFieldElementFactory

  • public class ContentFieldElementFactory
    extends AbstractContentElementFactory
    The drawable field element factory can be used to create elements that display Drawable elements.

    A drawable field expects the named datasource to contain Drawable objects.

    Once the desired properties are set, the factory can be reused to create similiar elements.

    Thomas Morgner
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentFieldElementFactory

        public ContentFieldElementFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldname

        public String getFieldname()
        Returns the field name from where to read the content of the element.
        the field name.
      • setFieldname

        public void setFieldname​(String fieldname)
        Defines the field name from where to read the content of the element. The field name is the name of a datarow column.
        fieldname - the field name.
      • getFormula

        public String getFormula()
        Returns the formula that should be used to compute the value of the field. The formula must be valid according to the OpenFormula specifications.
        the formula as string.
      • getBaseURL

        public URL getBaseURL()
        Returns the base url. The BaseURL is used to resolve relative URLs found in the datasource.
        the base url.
      • setBaseURL

        public void setBaseURL​(URL baseURL)
        Defines a BaseURL for the new element. The BaseURL is used to resolve relative URLs found in the datasource.
        baseURL - the base URL.
      • setFormula

        public void setFormula​(String formula)
        Assigns a formula to the element to compute the value for this element. If a formula is defined, it will override the 'field' property.
        formula - the formula as a string.
      • getNullValue

        public Object getNullValue()
      • setNullValue

        public void setNullValue​(Object nullValue)