Class GroupCountFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, ReportListener, Expression, Function
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GroupCountFunction
    extends AbstractFunction
    A report function that counts groups in a report. If a null-groupname is given, all groups are counted.

    The group to be counted can be defined using the property "group". An optional container group can be defined using the property "parent-group". When the group start event of that group is encountered, the counter will be reset to '0'.

    If the group property is not set, all group starts get counted.

    David Gilbert
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroupCountFunction

        public GroupCountFunction()
        Default constructor.
      • GroupCountFunction

        public GroupCountFunction​(String name,
                                  String group)
        Constructs a report function for counting groups.
        name - The function name.
        group - The group name.
        NullPointerException - if the given name is null
    • Method Detail

      • getParentGroup

        public String getParentGroup()
        Returns the name of the group on which to reset the counter.
        the name of the group or null, if all groups are counted
      • setParentGroup

        public void setParentGroup​(String group)
        defines the name of the group on which to reset the counter. If the name is null, all groups are counted.
        group - the name of the group to be counted.
      • getGroup

        public String getGroup()
        Returns the name of the group to be counted.
        the name of the group or null, if all groups are counted
      • setGroup

        public void setGroup​(String group)
        defines the name of the group to be counted. If the name is null, all groups are counted.
        group - the name of the group to be counted.
      • groupStarted

        public void groupStarted​(ReportEvent event)
        Receives notification that a new group is about to start. Increases the count if all groups are counted or the name defines the current group.
        Specified by:
        groupStarted in interface ReportListener
        groupStarted in class AbstractFunction
        event - the current report event received.
      • getCount

        protected int getCount()
        Returns the current group count value.
        the curernt group count.
      • setCount

        protected void setCount​(int count)
        Defines the current group count value.
        count - the curernt group count.
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Returns the number of groups processed so far (including the current group).
        the number of groups processed as java.lang.Integer.