Class ItemColumnQuotientExpression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Expression

    public class ItemColumnQuotientExpression
    extends PercentageExpression
    Use PercentageExpression instead, it's name is much clearer
    A report function that calculates the quotient of two fields (columns) from the current row.

    This function expects its input values to be java.lang.Number instances.

    The function undestands two parameters. The dividend parameter is required and denotes the name of an ItemBand-field which is used as dividend. The divisor parameter is required and denotes the name of an ItemBand-field which is uses as divisor.

    Heiko Evermann
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemColumnQuotientExpression

        public ItemColumnQuotientExpression()
        Constructs a new function.

        Initially the function has no sure to assign one before using the function.