Class TotalGroupSumQuotientPercentFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, ReportListener, Expression, Function

    public class TotalGroupSumQuotientPercentFunction
    extends TotalGroupSumQuotientFunction
    A report function that calculates the quotient of two summed fields (columns) from the data-row. This function produces a global total. The total sum of the group is known when the group processing starts and the report is not performing a prepare-run. The sum is calculated in the prepare run and recalled in the printing run.

    The function can be used in two ways:

    • to calculate a quotient for the entire report;
    • to calculate a quotient within a particular group;
    This function expects its input values to be either java.lang.Number instances or Strings that can be parsed to java.lang.Number instances using a java.text.DecimalFormat.

    The function undestands three parameters. The dividend parameter is required and denotes the name of an ItemBand-field which gets summed up as dividend. The divisor parameter is required and denotes the name of an ItemBand-field which gets summed up as divisor.

    The parameter group denotes the name of a group. When this group is started, the counter gets reseted to null. This parameter is optional.

    This function scales the computed percentage to 100. A value of 100% will therefore be returned as 100 instead of 1. The result of this function cannot be used together with the percentage operator of the NumberFormat in a Number-field.

    Thomas Morgner
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TotalGroupSumQuotientPercentFunction

        public TotalGroupSumQuotientPercentFunction()
        Default Constructor.