Class TotalPageItemCountFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, PageEventListener, ReportListener, AggregationFunction, Expression, Function

    public class TotalPageItemCountFunction
    extends TotalItemCountFunction
    implements PageEventListener
    A report function that counts the total number of items contained in groups in a report. Resets the counter with each new page, and with each new group if the optional group parameter is specified. The function will always reset with each new page, so if a group spans across a page break the counter will be still be reset.

    Like all Total-Functions, this function produces precomputed totals. The function's result is precomputed once and will not change later.

    The ItemCount can be used to produce a running row-count for a group or report.

    To count the number of groups in a report, use the TotalGroupCountFunction.

    Thomas Morgner
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TotalPageItemCountFunction

        public TotalPageItemCountFunction()