Class LengthLimitingDocument

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Document

    public class LengthLimitingDocument
    extends PlainDocument
    This Document restricts the size of the contained plain text to the given number of characters.
    Thomas Morgner
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LengthLimitingDocument

        public LengthLimitingDocument()
        Creates a new LengthLimitingDocument, with no limitation.
      • LengthLimitingDocument

        public LengthLimitingDocument​(int maxlen)
        Creates a new LengthLimitingDocument with the given limitation. No more than maxlen characters can be added to the document. If maxlen is negative, then no length check is performed.
        maxlen - the maximum number of elements in this document
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(int maxlen)
        Sets the maximum number of characters for this document. Existing characters are not removed.
        maxlen - the maximum number of characters in this document.
      • getMaxLength

        public int getMaxLength()
        Returns the defined maximum number characters for this document.
        the maximum number of characters
      • insertString

        public void insertString​(int offs,
                                 String str,
                                 AttributeSet a)
                          throws BadLocationException
        Inserts the string into the document. If the length of the document would violate the maximum characters restriction, then the string is cut down so that
        Specified by:
        insertString in interface Document
        insertString in class PlainDocument
        offs - the offset, where the string should be inserted into the document
        str - the string that should be inserted
        a - the attribute set assigned for the document
        BadLocationException - if the offset is not correct