Class AbstractFileSelectionAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFileSelectionAction

        protected AbstractFileSelectionAction​(Component parent)
        Creates a new FileSelectionAction with the given optional parent component as parent for the file chooser dialog.
        parent - the parent
    • Method Detail

      • getFileExtension

        protected abstract String getFileExtension()
        Returns the file extension that should be used for the operation.
        the file extension.
      • getFileDescription

        protected abstract String getFileDescription()
        Returns a descriptive text describing the file extension.
        the file description.
      • getCurrentDirectory

        protected File getCurrentDirectory()
        Returns the working directory that should be used when initializing the FileChooser.
        the working directory.
      • performSelectFile

        protected File performSelectFile​(File selectedFile,
                                         int dialogType,
                                         boolean appendExtension)
        Selects a file to use as target for the operation.
        selectedFile - the selected file.
        dialogType - the dialog type.
        appendExtension - true, if the file extension should be added if necessary, false if the unmodified filename should be used.
        the selected and approved file or null, if the user canceled the operation
      • createFileChooser

        protected JFileChooser createFileChooser()
        Creates the file chooser.
        the initialized file chooser.