Class CSVQuoter

  • public class CSVQuoter
    extends Object
    The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format.
    Thomas Morgner.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter()
        Creates a new CSVQuoter, which uses a comma as the default separator.
      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter​(String separator)
        Creates a new CSVQuoter, which uses the defined separator.
        separator - the separator.
        NullPointerException - if the given separator is null.
    • Method Detail

      • doQuoting

        public String doQuoting​(String original)
        Encodes the string, so that the string can safely be used in CSV files. If the string does not need quoting, the original string is returned unchanged.
        original - the unquoted string.
        The quoted string
      • undoQuoting

        public String undoQuoting​(String nativeString)
        Decodes the string, so that all escape sequences get removed. If the string was not quoted, then the string is returned unchanged.
        nativeString - the quoted string.
        The unquoted string.
      • getSeparator

        public String getSeparator()
        Gets the separator used in this quoter and the CSV file.
        the separator (never null).
      • setSeparator

        public void setSeparator​(String separator)
        Defines the separator, which is used in the CSV file. If you use different separators for quoting and writing, the resulting file will be invalid.
        separator - the separator (null not permitted).