Class StaticExcelColorSupport

    • Constructor Detail

      • StaticExcelColorSupport

        public StaticExcelColorSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • getNearestColor

        public short getNearestColor​(Color awtColor)
        Find a suitable color for the cell.

        The algorithm searches all available triplets, weighted by tripletvalue and tripletdifference to the other triplets. The color wins, which has the smallest triplet difference and where all triplets are nearest to the requested color. Damn, why couldn't these guys from microsoft implement a real color system.

        Specified by:
        getNearestColor in interface ExcelColorProducer
        awtColor - the awt color that should be transformed into an Excel color.
        the excel color index that is nearest to the supplied color.
      • getNearestColor

        public static short getNearestColor​(Color awtColor,
                                            Map triplets)
      • getColor

        public org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor getColor​(short index)