Class XYAreaChartExpression

    • Constructor Detail

      • XYAreaChartExpression

        public XYAreaChartExpression()
    • Method Detail

      • createTimeSeriesChart

        public static org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart createTimeSeriesChart​(String title,
                                                                       String timeAxisLabel,
                                                                       String valueAxisLabel,
                                                                       boolean legend,
                                                                       boolean tooltips,
                                                                       boolean urls,
                                                                       boolean stacked)
      • createStackedXYAreaChart

        protected static org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart createStackedXYAreaChart​(String title,
                                                                             String xAxisLabel,
                                                                             String yAxisLabel,
                                                                             org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation orientation,
                                                                             boolean legend,
                                                                             boolean tooltips,
                                                                             boolean urls)
        Creates a stacked XY area plot. The chart object returned by this method uses an XYPlot instance as the plot, with a NumberAxis for the domain axis, a NumberAxis as the range axis, and a StackedXYAreaRenderer2 as the renderer.
        title - the chart title (null permitted).
        xAxisLabel - a label for the X-axis (null permitted).
        yAxisLabel - a label for the Y-axis (null permitted).
        dataset - the dataset for the chart (null permitted).
        orientation - the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical) (null NOT permitted).
        legend - a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required.
        tooltips - configure chart to generate tool tips?
        urls - configure chart to generate URLs?
        A stacked XY area chart.