Class CSVQuoter

  • public final class CSVQuoter
    extends Object
    The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format.
    Thomas Morgner.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter()
        Creates a new CSVQuoter, which uses a comma as the default separator.
      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter​(char separator)
        Creates a new CSVQuoter, which uses the defined separator.
        separator - the separator.
        NullPointerException - if the given separator is null.
      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter​(char separator,
                         char quate)
        Creates a new CSVQuoter with the given separator and quoting character.
        separator - the separator
        quate - the quoting character
      • CSVQuoter

        public CSVQuoter​(char separator,
                         char quate,
                         boolean forceQuoting)
    • Method Detail

      • doQuoting

        public String doQuoting​(String original)
        Encodes the string, so that the string can safely be used in CSV files. If the string does not need quoting, the original string is returned unchanged.
        original - the unquoted string.
        The quoted string
      • doQuoting

        public void doQuoting​(String original,
                              Writer writer)
                       throws IOException
        A streaming version of the quoting algorithm for more performance. Encodes the string, so that the string can safely be used in CSV files. If the string does not need quoting, the original string is returned unchanged.
        original - the unquoted string.
        writer - the writer.
        IOException - if an IO error occured.
      • undoQuoting

        public String undoQuoting​(String nativeString)
        Decodes the string, so that all escape sequences get removed. If the string was not quoted, then the string is returned unchanged.
        nativeString - the quoted string.
        The unquoted string.
      • getSeparator

        public char getSeparator()
        Gets the separator used in this quoter and the CSV file.
        the separator (never null).
      • getQuate

        public char getQuate()
        Returns the quoting character.
        the quote character.