Class PasswordObscurification48

  • public final class PasswordObscurification48
    extends Object
    This class handles basic password obscurification.

    Pentaho Reporting 4.8 was compiled with an invalid file encoding and the SEED value given in this class was corrupted in the process. Since version 5.0, this text is now ASCII only using unicode escapes and thus is no longer affected by compile-time settings.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED_PREFIX
        The word that is put before a password to indicate an encrypted form. If this word is not present, the password is considered to be NOT encrypted
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • encryptPassword

        public static String encryptPassword​(String password)
      • decryptPassword

        public static String decryptPassword​(String encrypted)
      • encryptPasswordWithOptionalEncoding

        public static String encryptPasswordWithOptionalEncoding​(String password)
      • decryptPasswordWithOptionalEncoding

        public static String decryptPasswordWithOptionalEncoding​(String password)
        Decrypts a password if it contains the prefix "Encrypted "
        password - The encrypted password
        The decrypted password or the original value if the password doesn't start with "Encrypted "