Class BundleMetaDataWriteHandlerFactory

  • public class BundleMetaDataWriteHandlerFactory
    extends Object
    The AbstractReadHandlerFactory provides a base implementation for all read-handler factories. A read-handler factory decouples the tag-handlers of a SAX parser and allows to configure alternate parser configuations at runtime, resulting in a more flexible parsing process.
    Thomas Morgner
    • Constructor Detail

      • BundleMetaDataWriteHandlerFactory

        protected BundleMetaDataWriteHandlerFactory()
        A default-constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public void configure​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.config.Configuration conf,
                              String prefix)
        Configures this factory from the given configuration using the speoified prefix as filter.
        conf - the configuration.
        prefix - the key-prefix.
      • getHandler

        public BundleMetaDataEntryWriteHandler getHandler​(String namespace,
                                                          String tagname)
        The returned handler can be null, in case no handler is registered.
        namespace - the namespace of the xml-tag for which a handler should be returned.
        tagname - the tagname of the xml-tag.
        the instantiated read handler, never null.