Class AfmFontRegistry

    • Constructor Detail

      • AfmFontRegistry

        public AfmFontRegistry()
        Fonts stored by name.
    • Method Detail

      • createMetricsFactory

        public FontMetricsFactory createMetricsFactory()
        Description copied from interface: FontRegistry
        Creates a new font metrics factory. That factory is specific to a certain font registry and is not required to handle font records from foreign font registries.

        A font metrics factory should never be used on its own. It should be embedded into and used by a FontStorage implementation.

      • getSecondLevelCache

        public FontCache getSecondLevelCache()
      • addFont

        public boolean addFont​(File font,
                               String encoding)
                        throws IOException
        Adds the fontname by creating the basefont object. This method tries to load the fonts as embeddable fonts, if this fails, it repeats the loading with the embedded-flag set to false.
        Specified by:
        addFont in class AbstractFontFileRegistry
        font - the font file name.
        encoding - the encoding.
        true, if registration was successful, false otherwise.
        IOException - if the base font file could not be read.