Interface Resource

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    BundleCacheResourceWrapper, CompoundResource, SimpleResource

    public interface Resource
    extends Serializable
    A resource is a wrapper around the final product. It shall not hold any references to the ResourceData object used to create the resource (to allow efficient 2-stage caching).

    Although this interfaces declares to be serializable, this might not be the case for some of the content contained in the resource object. Cache implementors should be aware of that issue and should act accordingly (for instance by not caching that object).

    Thomas Morgner
    • Method Detail

      • getTargetType

        Class getTargetType()
      • isTemporaryResult

        boolean isTemporaryResult()
      • getDependencies

        ResourceKey[] getDependencies()
        The primary source is also included in this set. The dependencies are given as ResourceKey objects. The keys itself do not hold any state information.

        The dependencies do not track deep dependencies. So if Resource A depends on Resource B which depends on Resource C, then A only knows about B, not C.
