Interface ResourceBundleDataCache

    • Method Detail

      • get

        ResourceBundleDataCacheEntry get​(ResourceKey key)
        Retrieves the given data from the cache.
        key - the resource key for the data.
        the cached entry or null, if the entry is no longer in the cache.
      • put

        ResourceBundleData put​(ResourceManager caller,
                               ResourceBundleData data)
                        throws ResourceLoadingException
        Stores the given data on the cache. The data is registered by its primary key. The cache has to store the current version of the data.
        caller - the calling resource manager.
        data - the data to be stored in the cache
        the resource data object, possibly wrapped by a cache-specific implementation.
        ResourceLoadingException - if an error prevents the data from being cached.
      • clear

        void clear()
        Remove all cached entries. This should be called after the cache has become invalid or after it has been removed from a resource manager.
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()